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Kellyanne Conway’s Daughter Is Causing a Lot of Problems for Her Mother Again

Claudia Conway, daughter of Kellyanne Conway, is feeling feisty again and while this kid is amazing, it’s probably giving her mom a headache.

While one-term, twice impeached former President Donald Trump was being arrested and arraigned in New York on Tuesday, 18-year-old Claudia was having a blast on Twitter, tweeting things like: “No one is above the law. f*ck you Donald.”

She fired another salvo right after that, according to Queerty.

“I’ve been waiting for Trump to be under arrest since I was 14 and lived in DC. Prayers work.”

I think feisty is a good word to describe Claudia. She speaks her mind whether her soon-to-be-divorced mom or dad likes it or not.

Last year, she came out by introducing her girlfriend on TikTok and she has more than one good reason to dislike Trump. Not just because he’s a creep, but also because he played a huge part in destroying her parents’ marriage.

Kellyanne and her husband George Conway were continually in the news from 2017 until 2020, especially when George became a major critic of the Trump administration while Kellyanne kept working with the then-president.

Claudia often found herself in the middle of her parents’ notable fights so she took to posting updates on social media.

The situation boiled over in 2020 when Kellyanne announced she was leaving the Trump administration and George said he was leaving The Lincoln Project, the group he formed with other anti-Trump Republicans so that he could spend more time with his family.

But the couple was unable to work things out and the tensions crescendoed until Kellyanne decided to complain on national television.

“George owes no allegiance to a political party or a presidential candidate,” she told CNN last June. “But his vows to me, I feel, were broken because we were all in.”

The couple ultimately announced the end of their 22-year marriage last month.

Trump used the opportunity to jump on Truth Social and take a slap at George Conway.

“Congratulations to Kellyanne Conway on her DIVORCE from her wacko husband, Mr. Kellyanne Conway,” he retorted. “Free at last, she has finally gotten rid of the disgusting albatross around her neck.”

Are you as surprised as I am that he spelled albatross correctly?

While Claudia is beyond thrilled about Trump’s arrest, dear old Mom has been hitting the right-wing media circuits, plugging her former boss.

On Fox Business Thursday, Conway said the case against him is “weak.” And during an appearance on Fox News, she attacked President Biden for deciding not to comment on the situation when “Trump is the biggest issue out there.”

It led this Twitter user to quip:

I don’t think Kellyanne is ever going to live down her “alternative facts” comments. It’s also undoubtedly difficult to have a firecracker for a daughter who is continually shooting off sparks that quite frequently turn out to hit the nail on the head.


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