Politics - News Analysis

GOP Humiliated After Being Forced to Delete July 4th Tweet for Very UNPATRIOTIC Reason — But We Have Screenshot

The Republican Party decided to celebrate the Fourth of July by posting the following on its official Twitter account:

“247 years ago, our forefathers told Ol’ King George to get lost! Happy Independence Day from the GOP!”

But there was one problem: the flags used in the graphic weren’t the American flag. No, indeedy. They were the Liberian flag.

Oops! Not very patriotic of them, huh?

Liberia is a nation in Western Africa that was founded by freed American and Caribbean slaves at a time when slavery was still prevalent in the U.S. This was a time when people who opposed slavery weren’t even sure if they could have full equal rights and participation in American society, Raw Story reports.

So perhaps Republicans should quit fighting Critical Race Theory, and perhaps world history in general. Because if they had the vaguest knowledge of this, they would know this isn’t a representation of the American flag, even if the Liberian flag bears a “slight” resemblance to it.

And a November 2021 story published by The Hill noted that at least 43 percent of Republicans opposed teaching the history of racism, while 54 percent supported teaching this (kudos to them), and 94 percent of Democrats also supported this as well. Only five percent of Democrats were against teaching this country’s racist history.

Things have changed little since then, although I don’t really know what current polls are saying about this. What I do know is that lots of Republicans are against teaching Critical Race Theory, and I don’t know why. However, slaves built the bones of this country and children deserve to know this. Republicans like Ron DeSantis who oppose this are being hugely unfair to Black American kids who deserve to know what their ancestors went through, and to White American kids who deserve to know what our ancestors did.

It’s very clear to me that Republicans want to raise a generation of ignorant Americans.


The GOP deleted the tweet quickly, but apparently not quite quickly enough. Because it was met with a mountain of mockery on social media. And that mockery was pretty goldurned funny and appropriate.

“You’d think they’d recognize the flag they beat cops with,” wrote @iputadollarin. “BREAKING: GOP officially pledges loyalty to Liberia by posting their flag on the 4th of F**king July,” tweeted @middleageriot.

But wait…there’s more:

“You know, I try hard to warn organizations that their crack comms teams will inevitably mess something *~fundamental~* up, and nevertheless, they persist,” wrote communications strategist Zack Brown. “From your dear friends at the Republican National Committee, Happy Independence Day, Liberia!”

Including a tweet from someone who is actually Liberian:

Keep piling it on, people of Twitter! I love you folks. And dear Republicans — you do you. Because the rest of us need a good laugh.

meet the author

Megan has lived in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and she currently lives in Central America. Living in these places has informed her writing on politics, science, and history. She is currently owned by 15 cats and 3 dogs and regularly owns Trump supporters when she has the opportunity. She can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/GaiaLibra and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/politicalsaurus


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