Politics - News Analysis

MAGA Cultist on Trump: ‘He Could Stand on the Front Steps of the White House and Commit Murder and I’m With Him’

I know we kid around about MAGA and Trump’s most ardent supporters being a cult, but is it actually a joke? Let’s look at the definition of a cult: “Cult is a term for a relatively small group which is typically led by a charismatic and self-appointed leader, who excessively controls its members, requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practices which are considered deviant (outside the norms of society).” Um, hello? MAGA is a cult and Trump is its leader.

Need more proof, check out this cultist. He was asked a very basic question by a reporter, “Is there anything that could happen to him indictment-wise that would say, ‘Alright, maybe this disqualifies him for president?'”

“Not for me,” says the man in a red cap and trademark mirrorshades, shaking his head. “I’m with him to the finish.”

“Alright, thank you so much,” says the reporter, before the brainwashed cultist interrupts him to add an additional comment to demonstrate his intense loyalty and unwavering support for his Dear Leader.

“He could stand on the front steps of the White House and commit murder and I’m with him,” he remarks, a slight grin forming showing that he totally owns his cult status, and it damn proud of it.

People on Twitter were grossed out:

And if the above snippet didn’t make you sick enough, here is the full response:


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