Politics - News Analysis

Trump Supporters are Spreading the Most Insane, Delusional Photo of Trump That You Just Have to See to Believe it

We have seen some bizarre pictures of Trump in our time at this site.

Okay, okay – Technically, that’s not exactly a picture of “Trump” – but it is pretty fcking creepy.

One thing about every Trump picture – photoshopped by MAGAs or painted by MAGAs, they all have a few things in common.

He is always thinner than he is in real life.

He is never smiling, and he looks far meaner and tougher than the guy who – you know this to be true – would be the first to dive out of the way of danger. This is the same man who freaked out and ran away as a man’s head bled on his marble floor (And worried more about the floor).

The only picture in which we’ve ever seen Trump “smile” is that smiling one when Putin comes walking in. It’s the one where he looks like the skinny, short sophomore boy in high school who thinks he has a chance with the varsity cheerleader who is dating a college football player, all because they’re lab partners in chemistry class?

That one. Doesn’t it look like if he just pulls out a tiny bit more charm, he might actually make out with Vlad that night? Hard to even imagine what Putin has on Trump to get that ugly smile on his face.

Of course, this is the real one. This is Trump’s true self. Like the guy who was just slapped by the head cheerleader because his hand brushed her ass.

But in all that time, whether it’s the gold Trump, the Trump as Jesus, Jesus as Trump, Trump smiling at the cheerleader, Trump dumped by the cheerleader, we’ve never seen one as bizarre and… hard to figure out, as this one:

What’s going on here? Is Trump king of the jungle? No, that would be a lion. Do they share similar “eye of the tiger” type of thing? No, the tiger is absolutely beautiful. Trump just looks angry. Granted, the tiger might be angry having to be photographed with Trump, but it’s looking at the prime rib they have behind the camera if he just goes through with it.

We invite you to interpret W.T.F. is going on in this one? Can Trump “tame” anything? Well, that’ll be helpful. But Putin’s no tiger. There are very few pictures that leave us just speechless, and this is it. It makes no sense.

There are other photos, like this one:

Or this one:

But no, it’s not a cult.


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