Politics - News Analysis

Young Children Chant ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ (F**k Joe Biden) at Trump Rally and Trump’s Attorney Says ‘Raising Your Kids Right!’

Sometimes I feel I live in bizarro world. I am a normal person. College educated, middle class. I care about people. I care about what happens to people, especially those with less privilege than my white ass. And for my 50 years I honestly, stupidly, thought most people were the same. Maybe it’s because I’ve lived in liberal areas? Born in New Jersey, raised in Boston, and have lived in Southern California since after grad school. But what I am seeing with the Trump cult is truly tearing me apart. These people, do they honestly not care about what Trump wants to do to this country? Or are they just stupid and enjoy being a part of a cult?

Trump is holding a rally in Erie, Pennsylvania today and the only media company that covers his rallies is RSBN, Right Side Broadcasting Network. And one of their “reporters” is one of Trump’s attorneys, Christina Bobb. And at today’s rally she spotted a bunch of young kids, maybe 7-10 years old, and they were chanting “We love Trump” and “Let’s Go Brandon”, which of course is a code for saying “F**k Joe Biden”.

Bobb just loved this, and even told their mothers that they were raising their children right. Huh? Why are children at a Trump rally on a summer day on a Saturday? Why aren’t they running around playing, sticky popsicle juice running down their faces and hands? Why aren’t they exploring or building forts or playing hide and seek and having a CHILDHOOD? This is almost like the Hitler Youth. Childhoods are too short now as it is and these parents want to make them shorter by ruining them with politics, and following a “leader” who is an indicted criminal? God help us.

Suffice to say people were disgusted:


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