Politics - News Analysis

Fox News Host Accuses Biden of Wearing Diapers Because She’s Angry He Made an Amazing Meme

President Joe Biden has turned the table on the silly “Let’s Go Brandon” insult by turning out his own “Dark Brandon” merchandise. Much to the displeasure of the co-hosts of Fox News’ Outnumbered. These folks were definitely angry.

The co-hosts rolled tape showing Biden sipping from a “Dark Brandon” mug, which features his likeness with laser beams for eyes, and proclaiming “I like my coffee dark.”

“This mug is, like, about trying to present him as tough and badass when we know he probably wears diapers and he falls off his bike,” Fox News anchor Rachel Campos-Duffy declared. “So, it’s not working, and it’s a problem.”

“If I’m a Democratic Party member, I am embarrassed, because he’s actually doing his Democratic Party a disservice,” according to Fox News Channel’s Julie Banderas. “Dark Brandon is not funny! I mean, that’s actually a really dark joke at the expense of the American public. Like, I don’t think it’s funny. And Brandon is not a compliment. So, to — that’s all he’s got to go on? Take the worst insult that he’s adopted through his presidency and make something of it?”

Clearly, these Fox News hosts can dish it out but can’t handle it when it comes around to bite them in the butt.

“Let’s Go Brandon” is basically Republican slang for “F*ck Joe Biden” and you can see it on just about everything, from GOP T-shirts to bumper stickers. Mediaite’s Michael Luciano wrote a good description of how the statement got started in 2021.

“The dumb meme was born in October when a reporter you’ve never heard of interviewed a race car driver you’ve never heard of who’d just won a race you’ve never heard of. During the conversation, the crowd began chanting “F*ck Joe Biden.” The reporter then mistakenly stated the fans were chanting, “Let’s go, Brandon,” as that’s the driver’s first name.”

How typical of Fox News to take a reporter’s embarrassing gaffe and turn it into an equally embarrassing slogan.

Kayleigh McEnany, who keeps trying to stay relevant for some reason, seemed to view the situation a bit more lightheartedly, exclaiming, “I am here to officially announced we are replacing these Outnumbered mugs with Dark Brandon mugs! They will have our names on them. I’ve already purchased mine; Emily Compagno, I got yours, as well. Others on the way.”

It’s pretty silly that these people were incensed that Biden decided to respond with a bit of humor. After all, they kept promoting this ridiculous phrase, so it seems fitting that the president might also like to make light of it. Maybe if Campos-Duffy and Banderas can’t handle this they should look for work elsewhere.

meet the author

Megan has lived in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and she currently lives in Central America. Living in these places has informed her writing on politics, science, and history. She is currently owned by 15 cats and 3 dogs and regularly owns Trump supporters when she has the opportunity. She can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/GaiaLibra and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/politicalsaurus


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