Politics - News Analysis

Kimberly Guilfoyle Flips Out During Interview When Host Suggests Don Jr. Might Not Marry Her

When Newsmax host Greg Kelly interviewed Kimberly Guilfoyle, Donald Trump Jr.’s fiancé last week, the situation went a bit, um, sideways after Kelly described Donald Trump as her “potential father-in-law.”

“So obviously this atrocity unfolds, your potential father-in-law under arrest,” Kelly said. “But you know what? It’s turning up roses.”

Guilfoyle was not happy.

“Potential? Future father-in-law. Jesus,” she fired back.

Then Kelly got personal, Mediaite reports.

“Is it sealed? Do we have a date?” 

“Uh, not that I’m sharing on the air.”

I’m going to say right here that even though I don’t like Guilfoyle, Kelly should have minded his own business but instead, he went on from there, meaning that the situation turned even more awkward than it already was.

Kelly attempted a half-assed apology but then pushed on anyway.

“Fair enough. Hey, I’m glad. I didn’t realize,” he said. “There’s a ring. Fantastic, that’s great news.”

“We’ve been engaged babe for two years, but we’ll take this breaking news alert. That’s hysterical,” Guilfoyle said, obviously mocking Kelly for his ignorance.

Guilfoyle and Trump Jr. have been engaged since 2020 and this has been public knowledge for more than a year and a half.

Rather than giving up the awkward line of questioning, Kelly pushed even further.

“Well, I mean, alright. Look, we need — What’s he waiting for?”

Who says Junior is the one who’s waiting? Why do people always assume it’s the man who’s doing the waiting? It’s just something people often assume and I never understand why.

Guilfoyle cut him right off. Not necessarily with a good suggestion, but she clearly indicated she was fed up with this line of questioning.

“We need more Trump!” she fired back bluntly.

In another part of the interview, Guilfoyle attacked “the placeholder-in-chief,” President Joe Biden, claiming he was “just sitting there like a dirty, empty placemat until they figure out it’s time to pull the ripcord on him and cackling Kamala (hey, that’s catchy!) and they’ll put in whoever it is they think is gonna be best suited to go up against Trump.”

Democrats have been hyping her ex-husband California Governor Gavin Newsom as a possible replacement or alternative to Biden in 2024. All I know is that if they hope to win they need to choose someone dynamic. I think it’s possible Biden could win again, but Newsom is not ready for this yet and the Democrats are falling down on the job.

I just know what I know.


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