Politics - News Analysis

Laura Ingraham Tried SO HARD to Make Biden Look Dumb — Then Humiliates Herself When She’s Forced to Admit She’s Wrong

I have never understood why Laura Ingraham was never canned right alongside Tucker Carlson since she and Sean Hannity were also named in the $1.6 billion lawsuit Dominion Voting Systems brought against Fox News and parent company Fox Corporation for damaging its reputation. Hannity somehow kept his job but Carlson, despite the popularity of his show, wound up being kicked to the curb.

But that’s me. I’d have fired all three of them if it were up to me, but it’s not, so here we are.

And now Ingraham is embarrassing herself by getting things wrong and having to offer an on-air correction in the middle of her show when she tried to criticize President Joe Biden, only to make plain her own ignorance, HuffPost reports.

Ingraham and her guest Raymond Arroyo were deriding Biden’s speech on artificial intelligence.

“AI is all around us. Much of it is making our lives better,” Biden said. “And AI is helping the National Weather Service predict weather events, helping the Webb Telescope manage half a million miles of galaxies away — billions of light-years away.’

Biden tripped over the word “telescope,” and Ingraham and Arroyo found this hilarious. I guess these two forgot their beloved former president Donald Trump pronounced Hamas as “Hummus,” a week or so ago.

“Good lord,” Arroyo said while Ingraham rolled her eyes.

The two Einsteins bantered about AI and then Ingraham asked:

“Did he call it the web telescope?” Ingraham asked. “Isn’t it Hubble? Is he thinking of web Hubble? I don’t understand.”

“Who knows,” Arroyo said, and the two, apparently still thinking they were clever, laughed.

After playing another clip, Ingraham issued a correction.

“All right. There is a Webb Telescope,” she admitted while laughing and stumbling numerous times over the word “telescope” herself—even though she and Arroyo had just mocked Biden over the same thing a minute before. “I stand corrected by Joe Biden.”

The James Webb Space Telescope, launched with plenty of acclaim in December 2021, is the most powerful telescope of its kind and it became fully operational by the summer of 2022. It was widely covered in the media, including Fox News which has described the telescope’s images as “stunning” and “marvelous.”

Indeed, this telescope is hugely impressive — it is 100 times more powerful than the Hubble Space Telescope that Ingraham seemed so confused about. As Biden mentioned, scientists can use AI to analyze its images.

By making such a huge gaffe, you’d think Ingraham would be embarrassed. But maybe she’s too stupid to know she’s stupid.

Which reminds me: What’s that Mark Twain quote? Oh yeah:

“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”

Well, that’s Ingraham and Arroyo in a nutshell.

Enter the critics to let them know they are both fools.


meet the author

Megan has lived in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and she currently lives in Central America. Living in these places has informed her writing on politics, science, and history. She is currently owned by 15 cats and 3 dogs and regularly owns Trump supporters when she has the opportunity. She can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/GaiaLibra and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/politicalsaurus


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