Politics - News Analysis

Kyle Rittenhouse’s Christmas Message Sparks Fierce Backlash, ‘Naw, Hard Pass Killer Boy!’

Kyle Rittenhouse seems to think the world owes him a living. He was brazen enough to hawk his new book, Acquitted, as a Christmas gift, and understandably, he’s receiving plenty of well-earned derision online. Rittenhouse, 20, gained infamy when, at the tender age of 17, he shot and killed two men — Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26 — at a protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in August 2020. Rittenhouse, who was using an illegally obtained semi-automatic AR-15-style assault rifle, also shot and injured 26-year-old Gaige Grosskreutz.

Rittenhouse claimed the shootings were in self-defense, which occurred at a Black Lives Matter protest, Newsweek reports. At the time, people were protesting the shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man, who was left paralyzed from the waist down after he was shot by a white police officer in the same month. As we know, a trial ensued, but he was subsequently acquitted in November 2021, on charges of first-degree intentional homicide, attempted first-degree intentional homicide, first-degree reckless homicide, and two charges of first-degree recklessly endangering safety, according to Newsweek.

And Rittenhouse has been a whiny little b@stard ever since.

In his book, Rittenhouse describes the circumstances surrounding the shootings. The book has been described as a “story of survival, resilience, and justice.”

“I never wanted to be a public figure. I was homeless as a small child and raised in government-subsidized housing. My goal was to be a cop or a paramedic,” one blurb for the book on Amazon reads. “I went to Kenosha to help my community—not become a whipping boy in the national debate. In less than three minutes, the direction of my life was horribly altered when I was forced to defend myself with deadly force. So much was said and written about me that was not true.”

“Now, for the first time, I want to tell my story,” the blurb continues. “My name is Kyle Rittenhouse. I was attacked. I defended myself. I was prosecuted. I was acquitted.”

Rittenhouse’s book has bombed on Kindle, so he’s taken to X to promote it as a Christmas gift.

“Still looking for Christmas gifts? Well look no further you can order my book ACQUITTED now at Rittenhousebook.com!” Rittenhouse wrote.

On his website, the book is listed at $22.99, while a signed copy goes for $59.99. And yes, X users are NOT okay with this. One person wrote they were “boycotting a murder book. It’s blood money.”

Indeed, Rittenhouse is trying to profit from this. If he were the decent person he pretends to be, this money would go to the families of the men who were gunned down.

Fortunately, we have a whole cavalcade of X users who b*tchslapped him with some funny posts. I can’t think of anyone who deserves this more.

“Grifter still peddling this garbage,” one detractor quipped, while another said: “Toilet paper substitute if anyone needs.”

“Yes, I need more paper to start my fireplace,” another joked.

Another said that “$60 for a soft cover to start a fire with is rather expensive.”

“Why would I order your book as a Christmas present? I like my family and friends!” one person jeered.

meet the author

Megan has lived in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and she currently lives in Central America. Living in these places has informed her writing on politics, science, and history. She is currently owned by 15 cats and 3 dogs and regularly owns Trump supporters when she has the opportunity. She can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/GaiaLibra and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/politicalsaurus


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