Politics - News Analysis

People Shocked at Sweaty Trump’s Crazed Behavior During NH Speech, ‘The Syphilis Has Eaten Away at His Brain’

Well, another Donald Trump “rally” took place on Friday, which is another opportunity to see just how confused and cognitively impaired Trump truly is. First, these are not the “rallies” Trump is known for. He doesn’t have the money for those…all his money is paying his legal bills. These are just small events help by local GOP groups, with much smaller crowds…and you just know it’s killing his ego. But this “rally” was just as crazy as they always are, with this one really showing off how quickly his cognition is failing.

Trump spent much of the time crapping on Nikki Haley, since she is very close to beating him in New Hampshire, and obviously Trump can’t have that. And remember, Trump hired Haley as his UN Ambassador during his administration. If she was truly that horrible, why would Trump have hired her?

Haley isn’t beating Trump, but the polls show her closing in on him and getting way to close for comfort. And anything can happen in freezing cold New Hampshire.

Here Trump was slamming Haley and saying she is not smart enough to deal with Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong Un. He adds they are “very fine people” because of course did. Trump loves himself some dictators!

Then Trump did his little schtick where he points to the cameras and teases the media. But he did joke about being a fascist which isn’t very funny.

Tim Scott endorsed Trump at the event and the man has obviously sold his soul for something. Trump, the law and order president? How could he say that with a straight face? And his fake girlfriend was no where to be found.

Tell me Trump is 100% mentally there, go ahead:

Trump then blamed Nikki Haley for January 6th. I am guessing he meant to blame Nancy Pelosi for January 6th, but Trump repeated it so many times that maybe he is confused? This is very upsetting and if Biden ever did this it would be on Fox News 24/7.

And here is Trump, in Concord NH, mistakingly calling it “Conway”. THE MAN IS NOT WELL.

People on social media went nuts over Trump blaming Haley for the insurrection, and had a field day:


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