Politics - News Analysis

There Is NO WAY That Don Jr. Isn’t High as a Kite in This Shocking Video, ‘Dear God He’s So Coked Up!’

Oh my God. We talk all the time about Donald Trump Jr. being on some kind of drug. And it’s because Don Jr. often talks a mile a minute. If you’ve ever been around someone who uses cocaine, it’s easy to recognize. The person talks and talks and talks and won’t stop and they think what they are saying is just so profound that you must listen to every word they say. It’s a nightmare. It can also happen wit ADHD meds, although to a lower extent. You would need a lot of Adderall to mirror what cocaine does.

Don Jr. is a fast talker. It’s often hysterical how fast he talks as he goes off on his crazy tangents. But here’s the thing…Don Jr. hasn’t always been this way. Take a look at this interview from Election Day in 2016. Don Jr. was…dare I say…normal? The dude is weird, no doubt, but he’s speaking at a normal rate for television. We can understand him. Take a look:

Now, for years there have been jokes about Don Jr. using some kind of drug because he talks SO FREAKING FAST. Not only that, he often makes zero sense. He just talks to talk. He loves to hear himself talking.

There’s a new video making its way around X/Twitter and it will blow you away. There is NO WAY Don Jr. isn’t using some kind of drug/medication in this interview. He is being interviewed by Marjorie Taylor Greene’s boyfriend, that dope Brian Glenn who works for the Trump-loving YouTube channel Right Side Broadcasting. And just watch Glenn’s face. He’s trying to conduct an interview and isn’t allowed to speak. He even turns his body to fully face the camera, a sign for Don Jr. to STFU, and still Don Jr. won’t stop.

Obviously we cannot confirm Don Jr, is using a drug or medication. However, come on. There is no way this is Don Jr. in his normal form. This is almost like a Saturday Night Live skit about Don Jr. using cocaine.

People on Twitter went nuts:


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