Politics - News Analysis
Clueless MAGA Cultist Says Putin Is a Great Guy and It’s Just Fine That He’s Killed Tens of Thousands of Ukrainians
I don’t understand how Donald Trump has managed to attract so many supporters — especially since so many of them are clearly poor. I mean everything he does shows that he really only cares about himself. But these people don’t seem to get that. I know most of them are dumb as fence posts but some of them aren’t. This thing is really kind of a phenomenon that I’ll just never understand.
But these people like Vladimir Putin because their messiah, Donald Trump likes Putin. BoingBoing characterized these folks as “mindless MAGA victims,” but it goes beyond this. Trump supporters really are a cult, I believe and these people hang on his every word, looking for something they are never going to find.
At a recent rally, some of the Trump-QAnoniacs were asked about Putin, and they told MSNBC’s Vaughn Hillyard that they were just fine with Putin, thank you very much.
“I don’t have a problem with Russia. I really don’t! I have a problem with Ukraine — they’re corrupt!” said one Trump supporter, sporting the MAGA frontrunner’s mugshot on her T-shirt.
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Well, the simple fact is, that Ukraine is corrupt, Russia is corrupt, and so is the U.S. Politics is a tainted game with innocent people in the middle. It’s been like this for a long time. It’s why we have this merry band of Trump and his supporters. He says something and they swallow this hook, line, and sinker, not even questioning his rationale.
“People are just ridiculous that they think Putin’s such this enemy,” she added. “He isn’t doing anything!” Somehow she failed to mention murdering innocent Ukrainians and his habit of poisoning his enemies.
“He invaded Ukraine, killing thousands of people,” Hillyard reminded her.
Then Hillyard walked over to an older man, a veteran, who echoed the exact same sentiment. “I don’t think Putin’s a problem. I think Zelensky’s the problem.”
Hillyard tried to remind the man that Putin is the one kicking up trouble, invading another country, and killing thousands of innocent civilians. But he might as well have been p*ssing in the wind. The MAGA dude fired back that “Putin is trying to save his country from the likes of idiots like Zelensky and the elitists.” The Russian president keeps claiming anti-Russian-minded politicians in Ukraine have come to power after the fall of the Soviet Union, according to Tass Russian News Agency. I have no idea if this is what the older man is referring to, but whether he likes it or not, Putin is still evil. And so is Trump. I can’t excuse anyone who kills thousands of innocent people, no matter what the reason is or isn’t. Just as I can’t condone Israel for murdering thousands of Palestinian citizens, or President Joe Biden for continually holding Israel’s hand.
Undoubtedly most of these Trump supporters don’t know what the hell they are talking about. Mentally, their airplane hasn’t landed. Neither has Trump’s. BoingBoing has portrayed the Trump groupies as stupid and there’s no doubt that most of them are. I will always remain dumbfounded about so many people following a vain, self-absorbed, wannabe dictator, who couldn’t really care less about them and who will likely do as much as he can to harm them if he is elected.
It’s just one of many things I don’t understand, I guess.
Here’s the clip of Trump supporters doing what they do.
Trump supporter: “I think that people are ridiculous that they think Putin is such an enemy. He isn't doing anything. He just wants back what was his”
Reporter: “He invaded Ukraine, killing thousands of people”
Trump supporter: “That's fine with me.”pic.twitter.com/M3qBJykOdA
— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) February 28, 2024
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