Politics - News Analysis

Trump’s Lawyers Are Taking Extreme Measures to Keep Him From Falling Asleep and None Are Working

Okay, I'm not gonna lie — this made me laugh out loud.

Trump has his troubles in court, some of them evidentiary and some of them behaviorally.

He’s been so bad about attacking witnesses, judges, staff, and jurors that his presiding judge in his current criminal trial issued a preemptive gag order, without Trump even having said anything yet.

And he’s already violated that nine times.

But the biggest embarrassment in court for Trump — aside from the farting, which he seems to constantly do, according to reports — is that he can’t seem to stay awake during the most important trial so far in his life.

Most people could not imagine falling asleep while they’re on trial for something that could send them to prison, but Trump is apparently unfazed. And his lawyers picked up on it relatively quickly.

They’ve apparently begun employing several methods of keeping his awake in court, none of which are taking hold.

Since the beginning of his criminal trial, in which he is accused of 34 counts of falsifying documents related to his various affairs, and covering them up in order to better his chances in the 2016 election, he’s denied any wrongdoing.

But his behavior in the courtroom is so passive and noncommittal that it almost appears that he doesn’t think he did anything wrong. He absolutely knows he’s in the wrong, but he thinks “presidential immunity” is going to save him in the end. So he thinks there’s nothing wrong with what he did.

When asked on MSNBC what her takes were from today’s trial proceedings, reporter Lisa Rubin said, “Sleeping! I guess they have tried a number of different devices. Yeah, sleeping for a lot of it. I would say they’ve tried a number of different devices to keep Trump awake.”

Apparently, they don’t leave his side anymore, because that means he might fall asleep.

“He has a stack of papers with him at all times now to go through, but neither of those things seem to have protected Trump from his own exhaustion today.

“More than, you know, more than not, when I looked up to see how Trump was receiving the testimony, Trump was not receiving it at all because his eyes were closed.”

The journalists on the show were as unbiased as one can be when a famous guy who was president habitually falls asleep in court. It’s almost beyond reason at this point. Does he have to pleasure himself in the courtroom to raise hackles?

Trump is beyond ridiculous. He’s a parody of himself at this point.

meet the author

Andrew is a dark blue speck in deep red Central Washington, writing with the conviction of 18 years at the keyboard and too much politics to even stand. When not furiously stabbing the keys on breaking news stories, he writes poetry, prose, essays, haiku, lectures, stories for grief therapy, wedding ceremonies, detailed instructions on making doughnuts from canned biscuit dough (more sugar than cinnamon — duh), and equations to determine the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow. A girlfriend, a dog, two cats, and two birds round out the equation, and in his spare time, Drewbear likes to imagine what it must be like to have spare time.


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