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Barron Trump’s Best Friend Is the Son of Two Big Time MAGAs and His Social Media Shows He’s Pretty Awful

Barron Trump is now 18-years old, and the son of Donald and Melania Trump is headed to college. Where we don’t know, as the rumors on that are constantly changing. Not much is known about the youngest son of Donald Trump, as Melania has done an exceptional job keeping Barron hidden from the media, and has given him a very private upbringing. Which, quite frankly, is a good thing.

However, now that he’s 18, it seems Barron is starting to branch out. We are seeing more photos of him, and have even finally seen a video where we hear Barron speaking for the first time. Also, we now know who Barron hangs out with, and the small friend group he maintains. Obviously it’s a small group of kids that know not to speak to the media about Barron, but again, now that Barron is appearing in social media more, people have started to put together who his friends are.

Barron’s best friend is reportedly Bo Loudon. If the last name is familiar, you are probably thinking of Bo’s mother, Dr. Gina Loudon. Gina Loudon, known as Dr. Gina, is a conservative media personality with a show on the ultra-right wing network Real America’s Voice. She was a member of the 2020 Donald Trump campaign’s media advisory board and the co-chair of Women for Trump 2020. She is also a member at Mar-a-Lago, where she is constantly photographed hanging out at the club with her children and her husband John Loudon. John Loudon is a former Republican member of the Missouri Senate for the 7th District from 2000 until 2008 and a member of the Missouri House of Representatives from 1995 through 2000. He is the chairman of Florida Citizen Voters and Citizen Voters Inc, and a former advisor to America First Policies. So this couple is as Trumpy as one can be.

And “Dr. Gina” isn’t a medical doctor. She has her PhD, but unlike Jill Biden, who obtained her PhD from the respectable University of Delaware, “Dr. Gina” obtained her PhD from a school that is basically a diploma mill. Loudon has claimed her PhD is in psychology, even writing such on the biography of her book. But she doesn’t have a PhD in psychology, so surprise, surprise, she’s a liar. Loudon does have a PhD in human and organization systems from Fielding Graduate Institute (now the Fielding Graduate University), an online school that is unranked by US News & World Report, the organization that ranks the quality of educational institutions in the US. When called out for lying about what her degree was in, an assistant to Loudon said her PhD was in the “field of psychology.” So basically, “Dr. Gina” got her PhD from an online diploma mill and paid a lot of money to have the “Dr” in front of her name. But make no mistake, she’s no doctor. She’s not even a real PhD.

Back to Bo. I first spotted Bo in a photo that most have seen by now. It’s a photo of Bo, Barron, and Donald Trump, taken at Mar-a-Lago. Bo captioned the photo, “Best Friend, Best President”.

Barron and Donald Trump, alongside Bo Loudon. Photo: Bo Loudon’s Instagram

Bo attends the same school as Barron, Oxbridge Academy, which is a West Palm Beach, Florida, private school. Oxbridge was established in 2011 by the youngest of the billionaire Koch brothers, William I. Koch. He’s not one of the Republican megadonors that have brought the family equal fame and infamy, depending whom you ask, but he’s arguably just as conservative, hosting Florida fundraisers for Trump in the past.

He poured more than $75 million into building the school, the Oxbridge Academy of the Palm Beaches, in hopes of creating a school that would be “student-first” and bring together gifted children from all different socioeconomic backgrounds.

And for the most part, the student body does look rather diverse. In a photo Oxbridge posted of their 2024 senior prom, a photo that included Barron Trump, you can see the students aren’t all lily white, which is what I expected.

Also that photo makes me kind of…sad? I see Barron and he just doesn’t look happy. He NEVER looks happy. But he must be? He’s a super rich kid with his whole life ahead of him. But in almost every photo we see of him, he looks like this:

Barron Trump at his high school’s prom

Bo Loudon’s Instagram is filled with photos of him at Mar-a-Lago, and all things Trump. And that’s it. It’s just a kid’s visual devotion to Donald Trump and MAGA. And it’s really sad. He doesn’t realize it, but he’s so brainwashed it’s sad.

There are photos like this, taken with the disgusting killer Kyle Rittenhouse:

Another photo of Bo pursing his lips with Tucker Carlson:

Then a photo of Bo with Roseanne Barr, who he calls, “Perhaps the sweetest and most hilarious beautiful woman I’ve ever met and her courage is beyond 99% of the world! You rock Roseanne Barr!”

Lots of photos of Bo with Donald Trump, and again, Bo seems to really like to purse his lips. It’s a weird look but the kid is 17 so hopefully he’ll figure out that the male equivalent to the duck face isn’t a good look on anyone:

More photos of Bo with Rittenhouse, holding cigars I guarantee neither of them can smoke. I mean come on, this is just sad:

Of course there’s a photo of Bo sitting on a private plane, looking away from the camera, wearing a “BLM” sweatshirt that stands for “Biden Loves Minors” instead of “Black Lives Matter”:

The oldest photo on his account is from 2019, when he was probably just 12, attending a Mar-a-Lago Super Bowl party:

And his Twitter is no better. It is filled with the same MAGA, pro-Trump content that you’d expect. It’s really sad, it’s hard to knock the kid. He never had a chance.

LOL, another MAGA repeating the lie that Melania speaks five languages. It’s been proven over and over again that Melania speaks only two languages, Slovenian and English, and that’s it. And “We don’t deserve Melania”, lol. No kidding, kid. We don’t deserve her. She horrible, and the worst First Lady our country has ever seen.

It doesn’t surprise me that someone like this is Barron’s best friend. Obviously Barron will only hang around kids who his mother approves of, and that won’t be some anti-Trump person. And quite frankly, I doubt someone who was anti-Trump would want their kid to hang around Barron, no matter how nice he may be. He’s still a Trump.

Also, it appears at some time Bo wore a t-shirt that said “Bring Back Bullying”. I couldn’t find the photo, but the internet is filled with companies selling the t-shirt stating that it’s a shirt that Bo had worn:

Bo also spends a lot of time with Don Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle, and it seems he’s close to Guilfoyle’s son Ronan, who is the same age as Bo, and probably attends the same school as Barron and Bo:

And just, ugh:

Again, I know Melania has to be careful who she allows to get close to her son. I totally understand that. But it seems like there should be some happy medium? Not some kid who worships Trump like a cult leader. That’s just weird. And how could Bo ever be a real friend to Barron? Bo is a member of the Trump cult…imagine if Barron confided in him that he didn’t like his father? Or complained about being the son of someone who is so hated around the world? How could Bo really be there for his friend and give an honest answer? He can’t. He’s a yes man, that’s it. Which is probably the reason Barron is so close to his mother, he simply can’t trust anyone else.


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