2024 Election

‘Frightened’ RNC Launches Attacks on Kamala Harris for Laughing — and it Immediately Backfires

With Vice President Kamala Harris officially running for President now, Republicans are trying to dig up anything they can find to attack her, and they have found one thing that’s well, silly. Apparently, her laugh is annoying.

It’s kind of amazing that a Committee supposedly filled with adults can sound this childish, but that’s exactly what the Republican National Committee did, zeroing in with a post to X earlier Tuesday, where they proclaimed, “Kamala Harris brought her cackle to Milwaukee: “Good afternoon, Wisconsin! Ha ha ha ha!”

This attack didn’t sit well with social media users — and many attacked the GOP messaging for launching such a superficial attack, while many others leaped to Harris’ defense, Raw Story reports.

“You are frightened by the emotion of joy,” wrote housing and transit activist Sam Deutsch.

“I’ll just say it: Kamala is attractive (beautiful IMO), telegenic, and contagiously joyful,” wrote former FBI Special Agent Asha Rangappa. “They are desperately trying to turn these qualities into liabilities and it’s kind of sad bc it only reinforces how much their ticket lacks them.”

“What bugs you most? That she’s happy or that she’s a woman? Have you hugged your geriatric felon today?.

“RNC comms guy: we got it. Harris… *checks notes* likes to laugh and feels ‘joy’ RNC staffer: I’m unfamiliar with that emotion. are you sure it‘s not ‘white hot flaming rage’? RNC comms: we checked. turns out there may be multiple emotions out there. we’re investigating further,” quipped Split Ticket elections analyst Max McCall.

“I’m reminded of Margaret Atwood’s adage that a woman’s greatest fear is being killed by a man, and a man’s is being laughed at by a woman,” Georgetown University political science professor Matt Kavanagh wrote. “These guys see a woman laughing and don’t register pleasure or joy. They think a woman’s laughter is laughter AT THEM.”

“They keep posting moments of joy and heartfelt connection trying to frame them as attacks and I’ve never seen so many own-goals in my life,” posted Michigan state Senate Majority Whip Mallory McMorrow.

Others noted just how incompetent the RNC sounds by trying to undermine Harris for her laugh. That’s all they can find, really? Wow.

“These guys are completely lost right now it’s really something to behold,” wrote former GOP strategist Tim Miller. “Maybe stick to the immigration hits til you get your bearings fellas.”

“What they don’t get, to their peril, is that VP Harris is not going to change something that is no way a political liability (and is in fact an asset, in this case),” wrote humorist Jeremy Hooper. “Not one goddamn hair on her head! They’re such unrepentant bullies they don’t understand people who can’t be bullied.”

Harris will turn this back on the GOP. I’m confident of this. I mean, if the GOP thinks her laugh is funny, and that’s all they can find, this makes them look pretty ridiculous, and as I said earlier, childish. Donald Trump frequently sticks his foot in his mouth chews thoroughly, and speaks words that don’t exist anywhere in any language, but they’re gonna poke fun at Kamala’s laugh.

I can hardly wait to see how all of this is going to play out. It’s going to be a circus until Election Day 2024 and we all know Kamala won’t be a clown.

And hey, RNC, this is for you:

meet the author

Megan has lived in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and she currently lives in Central America. Living in these places has informed her writing on politics, science, and history. She is currently owned by 15 cats and 3 dogs and regularly owns Trump supporters when she has the opportunity. She can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/GaiaLibra and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/politicalsaurus


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