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As Inauguration Nears, Sad Trump Voters Share Their Post-Election Regrets: ‘That Sh*t is Kinda Scary for People Like Me’

Welcome to the world where face-eating leopards have insatiable appetites.

There’s got to be no worse feeling in the world than knowing you’ve made a grave mistake that will adversely affect your life or the lives of the people you love. And in reality, I actually feel bad for most people who go through something like that.

But the one group that I honestly don’t have any sympathy for are the people that had plenty of advance warning of what was going to happen. It’s one thing if you think you’re making a wise investment and you end up losing your life savings. It’s another thing entirely if everyone you know is telling you not to do something that’s dumb or selfish on its face and you do it anyway.

The Venn diagram of Trump voters who were warned about specific things he planned on doing and Trump voters who are surprised he’s doing those exact things since he won the election is a perfect circle.

To me, the worst thing about vote regret is that it almost universally comes from Republicans, for a very simple reason: They’re just not the sharpest tools in the shed. That’s a tough burden to bear, but at least they don’t know they’re dumb. Unfortunately, it also means they have no business near a voting booth.

These are the same people who say things like “Keep your government hands off my Medicare!” Only now, it’s people who (because they like Trump) want to repeal Obamacare, without realizing that’s the same thing as the Affordable Care Act, which allowed them to get treatment for their heart condition or diabetes without preexisting condition issues.

All over the country, we’re seeing people who are suddenly regretting their votes for Donald Trump, whether it’s because they know someone in the LGTBQ+ community who’s afraid for their life now, or because they accidentally voted for cuts to their own Social Security.

We stumbled across a video from growing media company MeidasTouch that serves as a montage of voters who are regretting pulling the lever for Trump last November.

It begins with one woman who tearfully explains that none of her family will speak to her anymore after she voted for Trump. She’s genuinely confused; “I never did this to them when Biden won,” she cries. “Never!”

Gee, could that be because you only hated Joe Biden because he’s a Democrat? This is the thing that Trump voters don’t understand. People who don’t like Trump don’t dislike him for his politics. Trump doesn’t even have any politics. He does whatever will make him money or bring him power.

He’s already proved that by siding with Elon Musk on the H-1B immigrant visa workers that he wants to let in so he can give them American jobs and pay them less.

And the woman whose family won’t talk to her? “My own family unsubscribed from my life,” she says. “I promise it doesn’t get worse than that.” It gets SO much worse than that, ma’am. Your grandma cut you off because you voted for Trump after you knew he was a rapist.

Does it get worse? Hell yes, it does:

“I’m shocked I married somebody willing to throw away our entire life over politics,” he whines. But that’s the thing, my guy: They’re not. Political disagreements are about taxes or zoning or gun rights. They’re not about whether an adjudicated rapist should be president. That’s a yes or no question, and the first answer’s wrong.

You don’t disagree on politics, you disagree on morals, and most people’s morals don’t include voting for a guy who cheated on all his wives, lusts after his daughter, lies constantly, and gaslights his followers.

And that guy getting divorced there didn’t just screw up his own life or his wife’s. He screwed up his parents’ lives as well. He’ll probaby never even feel the political effects of another Trump presidency. The worst thing that could be coming to HIM with Trump as president is that he gets even dumber.

Plenty of families are being torn apart. Another social media user says, about a woman she knows, “Wants to die. Her daughter’s calling her a Nazi. She said she voted for [Trump] bc she didn’t want abortion & believed the lie of teachers giving trans surgery and [she liked] his policies. When asked about his policies – she couldn’t give one.”

Surprise, surprise! No policies. And she actually believed that garbage about trans surgery at schools? Come ON. Those folks won’t give your kid an ibuprofen without a note from you AND the doctor.

I read a post from a Black Trump voter who’s just finding out that Project 2025 is real: “I really hope he’s joking. That shit is kinda scary for people like me, bro.” Yeah, and, um, other people too, you jerk.

Watch the MeidasTouch video here:

YouTube video

meet the author

Andrew is a dark blue speck in deep red Central Washington, writing with the conviction of 18 years at the keyboard and too much politics to even stand. When not furiously stabbing the keys on breaking news stories, he writes poetry, prose, essays, haiku, lectures, stories for grief therapy, wedding ceremonies, detailed instructions on making doughnuts from canned biscuit dough (more sugar than cinnamon — duh), and equations to determine the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow. A girlfriend, a dog, two cats, and two birds round out the equation, and in his spare time, Drewbear likes to imagine what it must be like to have spare time.


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