Human Rights

Texas Teacher Calls on ICE to Raid High School Campus, Promptly Gets ‘Deported’ From School Grounds Himself by District

What is this guy even doing in a classroom?

A teacher at North Side High School in Fort Worth, Texas, whose identity remains undisclosed, is on suspension and barred from school grounds pending an investigation into a message he sent on social media. In a response to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement post on Twitter/X, a user under the name “@Hookem232” (obviously a fan of the University of Texas at Austin Longhorns) called on the agency to come raid the school where he was working.

It was a substitute teacher, so that explains at least a little about the absolute lack of human decency he showed toward students whose parents brought them to the United States as children and just wanted to get them a decent education.

After a January 23rd update on arrests and detentions so far during the Trump administration from the official ICE social media account, the sub posted his reply:

“Come to Fort Worth, TX to Northside High School. I have many students who don’t even speak English and they are in 10th-11th grade. They have to communicate through their iPhone translator with me. The @usedgov should totally overhaul our school system in Texas too.”

Of course, the post generated some pretty heated opinions, and quickly reached the desk of the Forth Worth ISD School Board President, Roxanne Martinez, whose last name might give you an indicator of both how she felt about the issue and how integrated people like those whose last names end in Z actually are in the district.

Demographically, two-thirds of the student body district-wide are Hispanic — not a surprise, since the area WAS Mexico just 189 years ago. More than a third are learning English, according to administrators.

Martinez moved quickly to respond to parents concerned about a potential raid at the school, saying “Please be assured that we are taking this situation very seriously and are committed to resolving it as quickly as possible.”

Superintendent Karen Molinar added that the district would continue its policy of “supporting all families.” The district issued a rapid response:

Donald Trump’s day-one executive orders have caused a lot of concern among immigrants and their advocates alike. Even as communities around the country began reporting that many migrant workers weren’t showing up for work, Trump expanded ICE’s reach into schools, hospitals, and churches.

Trump has even discussed deploying military troops to the US-Mexico border to keep out all of the terrifying schoolchildren who might want to learn English and math, thereby destroying the country from within by being brown and contributing to society. If we let them do that, it will be no time at all before people have no reason to hate them anymore.

Okay, that last bit was sarcasm.

The problem is that the rhetoric from not just the Trump administration but Republican politicians and racist voters across the country has painted immigrants as dangerous, lazy criminals. That’s why Trump has been forced to pick them up at churches and workplaces and schools. Because, you know, they have no morals and no jobs and don’t want to learn anything or integrate into society.

Alright, I really am done with the sarcasm now. I just employ it because this whole thing makes me so sick. I am one of the 12 million bilingual non-Hispanic people in the United States that speaks Spanish, and I have since I was 8 years old. I learned it from an illegal immigrant who we, yes, took into our actual home, thank you very much, racists who say “YOU take them in.”

But it wasn’t just him. I also learned it at the tops of ladders picking cherries. I learned it in grocery stores and at church and at school. It’s the second-most spoken language in the United States, which, again, totally makes sense when you consider that it really wasn’t that long ago when twenty percent of the contiguous US was Mexico until we took it.

People have this mistaken idea of Mexicans “coming to” the United States to Texas and Arizona and California and other border states, when historically, those families have been there for generations, and in fact longer than those states were even part of the US. We literally have a state called NEW MEXICO.

There must be something in the water in the Fort Worth ISD, because this has happened before. During Trump’s first term, when he was ramping up his anti-immigrant rhetoric and putting kids in cages at the border, Georgia Clark, an English teacher at Carter-Riverside High School in the Forth Worth ISD did something similar.

She sent a series of tweets documented in her legal case where she challenged her firing and lost:

Mr. President, Fort Worth Independent School District is loaded with illegal students from Mexico. Carter-Riverside High School has been taken over by them. Drug dealers are on our campus and nothing was done to them when drug dogs found the evidence.

I contacted the feds here in Fort Worth a few months ago and the person I spoke with did not want to help me or even listen to me. The campus police officer spends his time texting on his cell phone and doing the bidding of Jennifer Orona, Hispanic assistant . . .

. . . principal who protects certain students from criminal prosecution. There is fraud being committed by Orona and how the Special Education Department on our campus is being run. FWISD knows about this and turns a blind eye to it.

I need protection from recrimination should I report to the authorities but I do not know where to turn. I contacted the Texas Education Agency and then my teacher organization. Texas will not protect whistle blowers. The Mexicans refuse to honor our flag.

I do not know what to do. Anything you can do to remove the illegals from Fort Worth would be greatly appreciated. My phone number is [. . .] and my cell is [. . .]. Georgia Clark is my real name. Thank you.

Georgia was eventually forced to go back to her life of calling the police on brown children using the city pool and inspecting the contents of food stamp shoppers’ carts at the grocery store.

If there are updates to this story or we learn the name of the substitute teacher who Karen’ed out the students this week, we’ll post it.

meet the author

Andrew is a dark blue speck in deep red Central Washington, writing with the conviction of 18 years at the keyboard and too much politics to even stand. When not furiously stabbing the keys on breaking news stories, he writes poetry, prose, essays, haiku, lectures, stories for grief therapy, wedding ceremonies, detailed instructions on making doughnuts from canned biscuit dough (more sugar than cinnamon — duh), and equations to determine the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow. A girlfriend, a dog, two cats, and two birds round out the equation, and in his spare time, Drewbear likes to imagine what it must be like to have spare time.


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