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Donald Trump Jr. Compares Border Wall to a Zoo Fence Protecting You From Animals — Twitter is Disgusted

Donald Trump Jr. on Tuesday compared immigrants to zoo animals in a controversial Instagram story regarding the wall his father wants to build along the US-Mexico border.

Trump Jr. has since deleted the post, which said, “You know why you can enjoy a day at the zoo? Because walls work.”

But many on social media took screenshots of the post before it was taken down, sparking widespread backlash against Trump Jr.

In 2016, Trump Jr. provoked an outcry from critics when he turned to Twitter to liken Syrian refugees to a bowl of poisoned Skittles.

The latest post came shortly after Trump declared in an Oval Office address Tuesday night that the country was facing a “crisis” on its southern border over undocumented immigrants. In his address, Trump proposed erecting steel slats to protect the border.

The younger Trump’s Instagram post prompted this comment on Twitter: “Actually I can’t enjoy a day at the zoo right now. The National Zoo is currently closed due to the #TrumpShutdown”

Twitter was furious with the comparison:


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