Politics - News Analysis

Trump Puts up Ridiculous Plaque Calling Fence ‘Trump’s Border Wall’ As He Prepares Trip to Border

Donald Trump will tour a portion of newly constructed border fence in Calexico, California on Friday, according to the White House.

Trump is scheduled to fly aboard Air Force One to a military airfield near El Centro and then travel to a 30-foot section of recently completed border fence.

“During this visit, the President will participate in a roundtable with local law enforcement officials and will then proceed to a briefing and tour of the completed section of the wall,” the White House statement said.

According to reporter Rafael Carranza of the Arizona Republic, Trump will visit the small section of the border wall (fence) that has this ridiculous plaque:

“This plaque was installed on October 26, 2018, to commemorate the completion of the first section of President Trump’s border wall,” the plaque reads.

Trump campaigned on a promise to build a “big, beautiful wall,” which he specifically said would not be a fence. The president built a slew of concrete border wall prototypes last year, but since taking office, his administration has replaced older fencing with newer, taller fencing and claimed the president’s promise is being kept.

Twitter had a field day with Trump’s dumb plaque:


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