Politics - News Analysis

Trump Suggests He Knows More About Hurricanes Than the National Weather Service Does

Donald Trump tweeted Sunday morning that Alabama was among the states “most likely” to be “hit (much) harder than anticipated” by Hurricane Dorian.

About 20 minutes later, the National Weather Service disagreed.

A few minutes after the NWS’s Birmingham office corrected Trump, according to a time line put together by CNN’s Brian Stelter, the president told reporters “we don’t know where it’s going to hit, but we have an idea,” and “Alabama is going to get a piece of it, it looks like.”

And about an hour later, Trump said at a FEMA briefing that Dorian “may get a little piece of a great place: It’s called Alabama,” adding that Alabama “could even be in for at least some very strong winds and something more than that, it could be. This just came up, unfortunately.”

The government has never publicly forecast that Alabama would take a hit from Dorian, and neither had any publicly released model.

So Trump appeared to have made a mistake, as several news organizations noted Monday. On Monday night, Trump couldn’t let it go.

So yeah, Trump is suggesting he knows more than the NWS…totally normal!!!

Twitter had a field day:


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