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Melania Trump Has Gone Completely Silent — What Exactly Does She Do As First Lady?

It’s January of 2020 and politics in America have been off to a busy start with the impeachment and trial of President Donald Trump.

Media and pundits have been working non-stop, covering this historical moment in American history, and Trump himself appears to be working more than usual to appear unbothered by the proceedings currently going on in the Senate.

But where is the First Lady? Where is Melania Trump?

It’s the 25th of January today, and thus far this month Melania has had only two items on her public schedule.

Melania was present to receive the Prime Minister of Greece when he visited the White House on January 8th. Melania had a brief tea with the prime minister’s wife, and gave her a brief tour of the White House.

Then on January 10th she hosted children from West Gate Elementary school to teach them to “Be Best”.

That took her maybe 45 minutes…her staff did the rest.

Then Melania goes silent for ten days and takes on the strenuous job of tweeting about Martin Luther King Day…and what a tweet it was.

And on the same day Melania sent a second tweet…SO MUCH WORK…but this one a glamour shot of herself, celebrating the anniversary of her husband’s inauguration.

And that’s it.

Two very brief events and two tweets. And for this she needs a staff of ten people?

Let’s look at a few other First Ladies to compare.

Betty Ford.

Betty Ford was willing as first lady to openly discuss her experiences with psychiatric treatment. She was also a major advocate for the Equal Rights Amendment and the legalization of abortion. She went through a mastectomy and spoke out about breast cancer awareness. Her candor and openness about her private life was virtually unprecedented for such a high profile public figure.

Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton was an extremely powerful first lady. She was involved in directing policy, especially in the realm of health care. She was appointed the head of the Task Force on National Health Care Reform. Further, she spoke out on women’s and children’s issues. She espoused important legislation like the Adoption and Safe Families Act.

After President Clinton’s second term, Hillary Clinton became the junior senator from New York. She also ran a strong campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in the 2008 election and was selected to be Barack Obama’s Secretary of State. In 2016, Hillary Clinton became the first female presidential nominee of a major party. ​

Michelle Obama.

Obama was a lawyer, businesswoman, and philanthropist, who currently works primarily in the public sphere. As a First Lady, she focused on the “Let’s Move!” program to help reduce childhood obesity, a program that led to the passage of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which allowed the U.S. Department of Agriculture to set new nutritional standards for all food in schools.

Her second initiative, the “Reach Higher Initiative,” continues to provide students with the guidance and resources to go on to post-high school educations and professional careers.

Now, shall we look at what Melania Trump has accomplished?

She has her “Be Best” platform which no one can take seriously. How can Melania combat bullying when she’s married to the world’s biggest bully?

Melania claims one of her “pillars” of Be Best is the opioid crisis.

But again, how can we take her serious when her husband’s administration literally forgets to renew the opioid crisis’s designation as a public emergency?

Let’s look at what else Melania has accomplished.

First, she took her sweet time moving to the White House. I mean, I get it. Her son was in school, and she didn’t want to move and disrupt his life. But that decision cost the taxpayer dearly. Her flights alone cost the taxpayers $675,000 [18].

In October 2018, she spent $100K at on hotels [19] in Egypt…and didn’t even spend the night. But, she got a good photo shoot out of it!

She did the same thing in Canada, but spent even more [20]…and again, didn’t even spend the night!

Melania fully supported Brett Kavanaugh [21], even though everyone knows the man is a sexual abuser.

Who can forget when Melania claimed she’s the most bullied person [22] in the world??

How about when Melania spent taxpayer money to fly to vacation [23] in Florida, even though her husband shut the government down?

Or how about during the Stormy Daniels fiasco when she fled to Mar-a-Lago to go the spa [24], again, costing the American taxpayer big bucks?

Ugh, and that jacket [25]. “I don’t really care, do u?”

She changed the name of the White House [26] from “The People’s House” to “The President’s House.”

Melania committed a big faux pas [27] while attending the D-Day ceremonies in Europe.

There is even rumor that she doesn’t even live in the White House [28], instead living in Maryland with Barron and her parents.