Politics - News Analysis

Republican Congressman: ‘We Need the Aid of the Almighty’ to Combat Coronavirus

Personally, I’ll pin my hopes on the CDC and the NIH with respect to curing and/or aiding the country through the depths of Covid-19. Besides, from what we hear about evangelical preachers, it will be cheaper, too.

Yes, Georgia Congressman Jody Hice has pronounced the country in need of divine intervention, and it was not a call for Trump to ascend into … somewhere. No, Congressman Hice wants the country to turn to almighty God to rid us of the coronavirus.

“We need the aid of the Almighty in combating this outbreak!” Hice argued.

“Thank you, President Trump, for recognizing our dependence upon Him and for calling on people to pray!” he added.

Should we not also see a doctor and “depend” upon a doctor to help get us out of this? The only time Trump has ever called out for God was in the heat of …, never mind, the nation is sick enough, no need for that visual.

While Hice is not a medical professional, he is a member of the Veterinary Medicine Caucus. Prior to joining Congress, Hice was a pastor and talk radio show personality.

Wait, he’s not a “medical professional” but is a member of the Veterinary Medicine Caucus? Does that mean that the article doesn’t consider veterinarians medical professionals? (Because I would take a veterinarian’s medical advice over a pastor’s medical advice any day). Or is he just a dude who is a pastor who likes to help animals and thus joined the …

Oh, never mind. He’s a pastor, that we know, and so why let the doctors have all the money, I suppose. (Damn I am in a cynical mood right now).

Wait wait wait.

I see what is going on here. Congressman Hice misinterpreted what Trump called for this Sunday. It is true that Trump called for March 15, 2020 to be a day of prayer. But Congressman Hice is undoubtedly under the impression that the prayers were to be said to God on March 15th.

Has this congressman learned nothing in his years in Washington under Trump? When Trump calls for a day of prayer, he means that we are to pray to HIM – Trump – for a day, so that he might favor us and feel some “responsibility” for doing the right thing! Is that not what he told us? He feels no responsibility to us? We don’t pray to him hard enough!

Otherwise, Trump might favor another nation, ones that DO pray to him, nations like Roche Labs, or CVS, Google, etc, and they pray with fervor to Trump, and he does feel responsible for their well-being.

Not a problem, though. I am willing to bet that Congressman Hice can shift gears very rapidly and be praying to Trump in no time at all. He will likely hardly notice a difference.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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