Politics - News Analysis

The Nation Rages Back at Trump’s Unbelievably Childish and Dangerous Press Conference

Andrea and I have both already covered the softball question lobbed by Peter Alexander to Trump; “What do you say to Americans that are scared right now,” and Trump’s vicious and childish answer. In response to such an easy question, Trump went on the attack.

And since the first attack happened, he had a few other snide comments before he went on another rampage:


That sole answer – followed by further attacks on the media throughout this incomprehensible news conference – has set the net ablaze. People are furious. Of course, we might as well acknowledge, that probably 33% of the country watching Fox right now is giddy, delighting in Trump being “tough.” “Owned libtards!”

But the vast majority see it for what it is:

Because FDR was an adult.

Ineptitude is likely a big part of what set him off. HE is the scared one, and thus the question “triggered” him. He doesn’t want to hear a thing about “fear,” because some might figure out that he’s scared – and it’s always about him.

Like I said 30 seconds after the explosion as I wrote, it was the easiest question. And he’s going to continue to get more combative as the situation deteriorates, and he gets more scared.

This, except that I wouldn’t ask the same question. I would say “You were asked just to give a message to Americans who are scared, why do you believe that is unfair? It is not unfair.”


Rather than helping the situation, Trump is making it worse! The markets would go down anyway. But they might have only gone down half as much had they seen sufficient leadership they can believe in.

Right now, the markets see a child, unprepared, and incapable of leading a country through a disaster. Thus, Trump’s attitude and ineptitude are priced-in and making the economic situation worse, just as he already made the health situation worse.

Unfortunately, it is for us. For him, it’s challenging reality TV that isn’t supposed to be this real.

That would be very cool.

Except Peter Alexander is a professional journalist, and this stuff just rolls off his shoulder without the slightest bit of fear or anger. Alexander knows that he is the adult, so why give the child what he wants?



Peace, y’all


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meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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