Politics - News Analysis

Pennsylvania PPE Factory Rejects Trump Photo Op Visit: Says He’ll ‘Jeopardize’ Worker Safety

The number one trending story in the Washington Post isn’t a story on the tirade that Trump just threw during his press conference, one in which we were informed we lead the world in tests, that Obama’s a criminal, the Asian reporter should “ask China!” and we then saw Trump storm off.

No, that isn’t the leading story.

The leading story in the Washington Post is one detailing a trip that the White House wanted to make but isn’t going to happen due to safety concerns. What makes this trip different is that it is the plant that said they didn’t feel safe having the White House visit which got the event called off. Either that or the excuse is just a cover story, and the factory workers are Biden Democrats.

The White House wanted Trump out in the country, visiting people, because how can the country be open if Trump is bunkered down in the White House, right? They picked the perfect place, a Braskem plant in Pennsylvania that made PPE. It is staffed by impressive men and women who stayed at work for 28 days to ensure that they weren’t bringing anything home, nor were they impacting the product going out the door. They are good Americans deserving of a presidential visit … they just didn’t want this president.

It would seem they deem him and his crew “unclean.” According to the Post:

White House officials pressed to hold an event at the Braskem factory, initially scheduled for last Friday. But after extensive back and forth, factory officials ultimately asked to postpone, worried that a visit from Trump could jeopardize both the safety of the workers and the plant’s ability to produce special material for masks and other medical gear, according to two people familiar with the decision and documents reviewed by The Post.

It isn’t like they don’t have reason to worry. Trump doesn’t care who he endangers – obviously. He knows that masks keep other people from getting infected, so why would he wear one?

Trump has refused to wear a mask in public, and Pence has only occasionally done so. On Thursday, the vice president’s face was uncovered as he delivered boxes of gloves and masks to a rehabilitation center and nursing home in Alexandria and spoke within a few feet of the center’s staff. Pence was accompanied by his press secretary, Katie Miller, who also did not have a mask.

I just love that Trump refuses to wear a mask in public. It just “fits” everything about him, vain, too good for everyone else, uncaring, and …

The president has told others he dislikes masks and thinks they suggest weakness, said two people familiar with internal discussions.

“Suggest weakness.”

No, they affirm stupidity, callousness, and selfishness, they don’t “suggest” anything.

Oh, and who “likes” wearing masks? Raise your hands. It is like when Trump said he didn’t “like” changing diapers. No one “likes” wearing masks or changing diapers you stupid fck. It’s just you are one of the only people so narcissistic that you have no problem forcing others to do it exclusively – as if they “like” wearing masks or changing diapers. The only problem with Trump refusing to wear a mask is that it encourages his cultist followers to also refuse to wear masks.

Regardless, with respect to this plant in Pennsylvania – congratulations on standing your ground, taking a stand for cleanliness and hygiene. Speaking of Trump, cleanliness, hygiene and PPE, I bet Stormy wishes she could have that one night back.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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