Politics - News Analysis

Nation in a Rage Over Trump’s Vile Attack on Buffalo Man, ‘Cruel and Reckless!’

We have already reported on the insane Trump tweet from earlier today, quoting an OANN report suggesting that the elderly man, Martin Gugino, in Buffalo was some Antifa insurgent blocking police communications. Our story came out in the hour after Trump issued the tweet, before the matter has burned through Twitter and articles throughout the net.

Trump says a lot of outrageous things. Trump makes people angry, even furious, all the time.

Rarely do we see the type of blowback that Trump is getting for this particular tweet. It combines everything that makes Trump unfit to lead. It is uncaring. It is thuggish. It is conspiracy-oriented. It is victim-blaming. And there might even be a financial angle in the fact that Trump is promoting an OANN report, a network that some speculate might be connected to the Kremlin, and there is further speculation that Trump might be interested in buying the network after he leaves office – hopefully in January. It is possible that Trump has financial reasons for promoting this disgusting report.

According to Rawstory, two Republican senators have already declined to comment on it. Marco Rubio said he doesn’t “read” Twitter, only uses it to communicate. And Corey Gardner of Colorado said he hadn’t seen it, and didn’t want it read to him.

Meanwhile, sane America expressed its outrage, starting with the Gugino’s governor, Cuomo, protecting Gugino from his president.

The tweet below retweets the typical Republican justifying support for Trump, as if only Trump would deliver judges, etc. ANY Republican would’ve done the exact same thing:

“Good … for now.” And yet the Gugino is still lying in the hospital, and Trump is still insanely tweeting from inside the White House.

Trump’s tweet has been reported to Twitter, which should issue a warning or take the tweet down.

This. This. This. We argued the exact same thing in our first report.

As a Jesuit-educated alum, we’ll go out on this:

Sick man.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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