Politics - News Analysis

Bill Barr Has a Major Problem with Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein, and He Knows It

Bill Barr has a problem.

There are powerful men all across the world, shaking right now, knowing that Ghislaine Maxwell could talk and bring about their demise. Donald Trump is just one of those men, and Donald Trump happens to be Bill Barr’s boss. But Bill Barr has his own history with Epstein, having a deceased father who hired Epstein to teach at the private New York high school (for god sake!) that his father ran. That is a tangential relationship, but one that might have only been the beginning, it is very hard to know.

What we do know is that there are rumors – only rumors – that Epstein was involved in more criminality than just trafficking children for grown men. The rumors swirl around allegations that Epstein’s money primarily came from running guns, money-laundering, and playing a role in the dark side of the U.S. intelligence community. It will not get past anyone that the intelligence community is often associated with elements in arms-dealing, narcotics trafficking, money laundering, and compromising foreign officials.

Obviously, Bill Barr doesn’t want any of this coming out on his watch. It could shake governments, and bring down the most powerful men in the world. Not only is Ghislaine Maxwell’s life in danger, one might argue that so is Bill Barr’s. Barr is going to get pressure from Trump (near surely) and from men with even fewer scruples than Trump, uber-wealthy organized crime-types, that will tell Barr that he must deal with this problem, or else.

There are theories on Twitter that Barr’s DOJ will give Maxwell a sweetheart deal to hand over everyone BUT Trump, to say Trump wasn’t involved. That isn’t going to happen. There are other powerful men beyond Trump that don’t want to be named and they can threaten Barr every bit as easily as Trump, more so, actually. Moreover, many of the men that Maxwell might name will also know that Trump was involved and they could likely testify to such. So, no, it is unlikely that Maxwell will get a sweetheart deal to keep Trump’s name out of the picture. Barr has to be careful even showing interest in the case, too many people are watching now after he fired Berman.

Of course, Epstein’s “suicide” (real or not) makes things more complicated with respect to any potential criminals who might want to see Maxwell “removed” from the scene. Things that happen once can be ascribed to a suicide, guards “accidentally” falling asleep, all that. But if it happens a second time?

Issues like these are flooding Twitter, where no one is sure what happened in the past, what is happening now, or what will happen in Maxwell and Barr’s near future. The only thing about which people are sure is that Barr has a real problem. If he moves to intervene “too intensely,” he could easily face both exposure and criminal charges himself. If he doesn’t do “enough” he will upset certain criminal elements here and around the globe, he could have problems that are just as significant.

Once we appreciate the complex “problems” behind arresting Epstein and Maxwell, it becomes clear why no one wanted to arrest these animals decades ago, and why so many children had to be abused despite authorities knowing exactly what was going on. “Stopping the problem” would open a can of worms that people weren’t prepared to deal with. The fact that Barr now must deal with it is fitting.

This is addressed above:


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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