Politics - News Analysis

SHAMELESS: Trump Still Thinks People Will Buy into His ‘Healthcare Lie’ with Ridiculous Tweet

Ever since about 2010 the GOP has made it priority number one to get rid of Obamacare.

We can speculate as to why it might well be such a priority to the Republicans with tremendous accuracy. The GOP rejects the idea that government can work, at least to deliver money to people who need it most. The GOP rejects the idea of government as it has become today, something people look to for help. The GOP wants to do to the U.S. what Putin did to Russia, which was to take a nation with incredible national resources strip it down and sell it for parts to the benefit of the autocrats in the right position to privatize whatever generally receives a great deal of public money.

Ask Betsy Devos what she wants to do with all that public money spent to educate our children. Look at this country’s record with “private prisons” (which, honestly, the first time we heard the term we thought it was a joke, like how could that possibly be a “thing”? It can be a “thing” because a lot of money gets spent on prisons so why have the state run them?). The Republicans have had their eye on Social Security forever because if you wanna talk about a lot of public money in a trust, a lot that could be privatized, put in the market you know? For a slight management fee, as always.

One has to believe that the GOP believes the same principle should be applied to healthcare. The government’s job – according to the GOP – is to privatize the profits, while putting the expenses upon the public. Every time you see an EPA regulation pulled back, you are looking at privatizing profit (it’s expensive complying with being “clean” in air and water) while putting the expense – dirty air and water – in the public. If bad enough, public money can clean it up.

So they HATE Obamacare because it does the exact wrong thing. It takes money that went to private companies – insurance, especially not having to cover pre-existing conditions and lifetime caps – and make it public. That enrages Republicans. This is why we’ve gone from “repeal and replace” to basically “Just fcking get rid of it!!”

The problem is that they know that people like various parts of the ACA, mostly the coverage of pre-existing conditions, the government assistance in funding healthcare for private citizens, is government working for people, using government money to help people, and they damned sure don’t want people getting used to anything like that. Which is why you see bullsh*t like this:

He said the same thing in 2016. Republicans have been saying it since 2010. They have not once, not once put forth the alternative plan. The most Trump has done has issued an executive order saying it’s the “policy” of the United States to cover pre-existing conditions.

He did it because he has an election coming up and knows that word is getting out that the ACA will be cut down by HIS court – and it will be, leaving a lot of us with NO coverage, and more than half of us no coverage of any condition we’ve had before. He wants voters to believe that he is making sure the most important part is staying. It ain’t. Try to imagine how little insurance companies think about the “policy” of the United States. Insurance companies must follow the law, not “U.S. Policies.” Now try to imagine just how much they’d charge per month if you want to think about “pre-existing conditions.”

Remember back when cancer patients used to be fired by companies the month after a cancer diagnosis? Yeah, they would then have LOST their insurance because they got cancer. It happened ALL the time. The ACA said they can’t do that. Remember when there were Lifetime caps? Remember? Your heart surgery and then cancer treatment cost over a million, sorry about that medicine that covered the rejection drugs. You get to either spend your life savings if you’re lucky, or you get to go bankrupt AND die. Welcome to America fcker. (We’re a little angry because this IS coming).

The law will be gone. And they damned well know it. Our only hope is to vote in Joe Biden as president, AND win the Senate, KEEP the House, do away with the fillibuster JUST LIKE THE GOP WOULD IF IN THE SAME SITUATION, THEN pass some healthcare plan even stronger than the ACA and let people enjoy it, and THEN pack the court to ensure it’s not struck down challenge the court to strike that damned thing down again, and pack that court until it stops. Then hope you get sick while the law is in place and not later when the GOP reverses it.

That is our only hope and THAT is why (if you permit me to use first person), I am moving my family back to Canada, using my 35-year-old dual citizenship to put myself back into a modern country, Canada, if Donald Trump wins and/or the Senate stays in GOP hands.

We have never once asked this. Please pass this article around. Please.


Peace, y’all
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meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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