Politics - News Analysis

Brad Parscale Nearly Cries Saying He Hasn’t Spoken To Trump Yet and That It’s ‘Pretty Hurtful’

The last time we saw Brad Parscale he seemed to be going through some kind of breakdown. It would lower than low to mock someone who was quite literally broken down. We won’t.

Today, Brad Parscale did his first interview since leaving the campaign and did it on friendly ground, on Fox. The thing he did that we will bag on is that while speaking with host Marth McCallum, he did a lot of after the fact second-guessing of the campaign.

“I always had a lot of confidence in our plan. I think the president and Jared [Kushner] had a lot of confidence in the plan. It was unfortunate that we diverged from the plan right as it came down the stretch,” 

That is incorrect. The correct answer is “I always had a lot of confidence in our plan … I don’t know why they diverged from the plan because I wasn’t there. I am sure they had a reason they believed in. I would have done it differently, but no one knows how it might have played out.”

That isn’t hard, we made it up in our head.

Brad did an okay job handling the hard question about what went wrong around when he was let go and admitting he was having a hard time:

“I’m not going to put the blame on any one person. These were the people I hired, everybody that ended up running the campaign were my deputies,” Parscale noted. “But I think what occurred and I don’t know exactly why — and this is why I started to really have a hard time. I tried to stay, I try to stay on to keep the plan going.”


“They didn’t know whether to execute it or not and started to diverge away from it. And they started to test it. Should we use data like this? Should we buy TV like this? Should we run this? Should we do this? Should we even work with the RNC, which I think were crucial mistakes and I can name the crucial mistakes. I don’t understand why. The president should have won by a lot more.”


No, you cannot name the crucial mistakes because you have no idea whether he would have lost by more had they followed your plan and … why are you talking about all these mistakes if you think he actually won? All the polls had Biden up, if Trump won over all the polls again (Except we have those VOTES now) then it shows they did the … correct job? Now, we’re confused.

It is not that Trump lost, it is that Biden won. There. We fixed it.

One thing we can’t fix is Brad, who is quite emotional and raw:

That’s a hurt guy. We’re not piling on hurt, even though he hustled them and they hustled him and all that. He’s still hurting and maybe not in the right frame of mind and we’re just not jumping on people in those phases. We all have them.

But the net had some comments and they don’t come with all my sensitive sh*t.

It’s not whether he actually deserves it right now. Just leave it alone until he’s right.

Tulsa is what did it. Brad oversold and under-delivered.

Yeah, he might be angling for a pardon, tough to tell. Pardons are going cheap, we hear.

True, but we’re squishy that way.



Nobody said he was a victim. Just not right.



Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak



meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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