Politics - News Analysis

‘Disappointed’ Trump Blasts Bill Barr Over Handling of Hunter Biden … and Praises Bob Mueller

Trump is past the point where he can keep his lies straight.  The desperation leads to some embarrassing flip-flops between heroes and villains, depending solely upon whether they support his effort to overturn an obviously legitimate loss.

Yesterday, we reported on Brian Kilmeade’s interview with Trump. We specifically said that in spite of an embarrassing “Trumper” past, Kilmeade actually did a fairly good job in the interview, asking some pretty piercing questions. Kilmeade’s interview deserves a few reports and it would tax any reader to line them all up at the same time so we waited until today to report upon another ridiculous Trump assertion made during the interview. This one involves Bill Barr and unbelievably, Robert Mueller.

Ever since Barr announced that the FBI found no fraud that would overturn the election, Barr is one of Trump’s favorite targets. Trump’s Roy Cohn let him down and no one lets Trump down without punishment. Yesterday, Trump said something about Barr which is in the fight for the dumbest thing Trump’s said since the election. Quite a feat. According to Mediaite:

During a Saturday interview with Fox & Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade, Trump lamented the fact that Barr failed to inform him about the ongoing FBI investigations against Hunter Biden. 

In any other presidency, the FBI does not inform the president of any ongoing investigation, and especially one that involves the president. This presidency, however, doesn’t have any rules.

“Who isn’t disappointed? Joe Biden lied on the debate stage. He said there is nothing happening, nothing happening. And Bill Barr should have stepped up,” Trump said. “I will tell you what, say what you want about Robert Mueller — when BuzzFeed put out a phony article, Bob Mueller stepped out and said that article was a phony ultimately proven no collusion. After two years no collusion.”

Trump praised Mueller for interjecting and clarifying that the article was inaccurate, pointing out that Barr was unable to do the same.

We hate to get all technical on the law but prosecutors do not prove people innocent. Prosecutors determine if there is enough evidence to prove a crime beyond a reasonable doubt. Indeed, the Mueller report specifically said that they “could not prove collusion beyond a reasonable doubt.” The report also noted that the investigation was hindered by the number of people lying and the significant use of WhatsApp. Mueller did not “prove no collusion.”

Trump may have treasonously colluded and Mueller just couldn’t get at the evidence. Mueller also refused to look at Trump’s business dealings.

But even more laughable, Trump was so angry that the investigation occurred, he had Barr investigating the investigators, including Mueller. None of that matters anymore because Barr failed to find fraud and failed to announce an investigation of Hunter Biden before the election. So Trump now targets Barr and holds up Mueller as the hero.

It’s all typical but all still worth noting.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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