Politics - News Analysis

Former Federal Prosecutor: Trump Must Be Prosecuted, Otherwise You’re Declaring a ‘President is a King’

This site struggles with this question but we do not think that people who think it’s critical and necessary to prosecute Trump are wrong. We just think that it’s a far harder question and more complex than we all think and thus there isn’t a great answer, so we’re best to keep this in mind.

Though many people – as we set out below – firmly (and probably rightly) believe the nation must prosecute Trump for everything. It is true he deserves it. It is true it might well be the most correct answer. It just might have dangerous repercussions that should play a role in addressing what to do, though they may not be enough to hold up prosecuting.

The reservation about prosecuting is the danger going forward as to what the Republicans will do. If they were adults, it wouldn’t be a problem. But once it’s done, we can expect the Republicans to prosecute the next Democrat as a matter of course. These people govern by scandal and did it before Trump. These people believe that Biden is in cahoots with China. They don’t care if it’s true. They can be counted upon to do it as a matter of course. Their voters will demand it.

Once people start prosecuting the people out of power, back and forth, we become a banana republic, no longer a democracy. That is our only reservation and thus, to do it, we want hard evidence of a heinous crime. If there are financial crimes, fine him until the end of time, scorn him, ridicule him, ruin him. Do it with civil fines. But if there are international crimes, loans backed by Russia, and thus a compromised president, absolutely, prosecute on huge charges. Make the evidence plain as day. It won’t be easy but should be investigated and, more likely than not, the evidence will likely be found.

Having set out our beliefs, let’s check-in with someone who has more experience and his opinion should be given more weight than ours. From Mediaite:

On Friday’s edition of The Dean Obeidallah Show, the host talked with Kirschner about the possibility that Trump would not be prosecuted once he leaves office.

“As a former federal prosecutor, If Donald Trump is not prosecuted what message does that send?” Obeidallah asked.

“We’re slouching to the end of our Republic,” Kirschner said, and added “If we say we couldn’t prosecute when he was in office because the [DOJ’s] Office of Legal Counsel has this horrific opinion that you can’t prosecute a sitting criminal President, and we are not going to prosecute him for all those crimes once he leaves office, really?! Then a President is King while in office, and after he leaves office, and what you are doing is you are encouraging every single politician to be corrupt because they are going to get away with it.”

Can’t argue. As we said, there are only “less bad” decisions and he has more experience. We just want everyone to acknowledge it’s tough.

We can at least hope that presidents into the future know our country is somewhat riding on them not being that way and thus will restrain themselves. We know, “good luck with that.”

Anyway, he’s solid on all his points.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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