Politics - News Analysis

Kayleigh McEnany Explains Why She ALWAYS Wears a Cross to Work, ‘It’s the Very Least I Can Do!’

This feels a little like a rerun because we have absolutely roasted Kayleigh in our Goodbye Kayleigh article and we ran her through the wringer pretty well for a lot of her behavior and the hurtful results.

But there’s some work left to do because she gave an interview today with The Daily Caller which is some of the safest ground around for a woman like Kayleigh to once again profess her deeply sincere faith in Jesus that simply must be described whenever on air.

Kayleigh was asked why she always wears a cross or some other obviously Christian jewelry outside her clothing and her answer was very predictable:

“Because faith is the reason I’m here,” the press secretary replied. “It was an unlikely path to getting here.”

Objection. Assumes facts not in evidence. First, the very very attractive young blonde willing to say the craziest conservative shit on CNN, as Campaign Press Secretary, and then White House Press Secretary while also being articulate and fast on your feet, and loyal to Trump, is “why you are there.” Second, it is not at all an unlikely path, indeed it is the most likely path and worn down pretty well by many before you.

But if you want to thank God for putting you in that situation, that is fine. Do it in private and don’t broadcast it to the world.

When asked why she wears a cross every day outside her clothing Kayleigh answered somewhat honestly:

“It never was my goal,” she said. “It all fit together like a woven web because God had a path lined up for me as He does for every person on Earth and all you have to do is trust Him and follow the path and pray and he makes all the dots fit together.”

We cannot read her mind but it most certainly seems like it was her goal. It did all fit together like a woven web because God ensured she had the money to spend hundreds on her hair per month, the path was there, whether God put it there or not, ask Megyn Kelly. We are not going to criticize her description of what God does for people because perhaps that’s true for many. The problem, again, is broadcasting it. But she gets mostly a pass on that one.

“And the very least I can do is wear the cross, a symbol the very instrument that He died on to save humanity, Jesus Christ,” McEnany added.

The first 100% accurate answer. It is, quite literally, the least she can do.

Again, we want it very very clear that we are not at all mocking Kayleigh’s beliefs. To the extent they are sincere, we are happy for her. We mock the fact that she seems to never miss an opportunity to discuss her piousness and we recall something Jesus said specifically about doing things like that and his instructions were not that complicated. If we recall correctly it was something like, “For God Sake, just don’t, okay?”

Sounds right.


meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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