Politics - News Analysis

Dallas Realtor Who Took Private Jet to Riot: ‘I Did What My President Asked’ Therefore Cannot Be Convicted

This article will serve as the 3,293rd installment in “White Entitlement” as demonstrated by the riots on the Capitol and – if needed – extending back to the beginning of the Trump presidency.

It is of no surprise. Trump did actually tell the truth when he said that his presidency was a direct reaction to Obama’s terms. When some in white America felt threatened that the people of color had moved in and would be in charge from here on out, they sought refuge in the whitest man they could find in orange pancake makeup, the man most proud to be white, and the one who implied that much of “Making America Great Again” would involve reinstalling the natural order, white people first, different rules for white people, white privilege. Just like the old days.

So of course when insurrectionists attempted to overtake the Capitol, when many of them looked to harm Pence and Pelosi, and some of them actually took the life of a police officer, they all knew that what they were doing was wrong. But hey did it with every expectation that there would be no real consequences except possibly keeping Trump in the Oval Office.

Criminal laws are not written for people like “them” after all. By “them” we mean a woman like Jenna Ryan, a beautiful white real estate agent from Dallas who chartered her own plane to get to Washington take part in the riots. Listen to her rock-solid rationale as to why she shouldn’t be prosecuted. She was following her president’s orders and, of course, she isn’t a criminal.

Well, obviously she is not a criminal. She knows what criminals look like and they don’t look like her. Think about how much money she spends on her hair! Criminals don’t do that.

Back to reality, this attitude isn’t going to help her one tiny bit. Judges look for a sense of contrition, a realization that someone did something wrong, a promise to not do it again, all the things that go into convincing a judge that the person is unlikely to ever repeat the offense.

This video’s real impact might come in another trial, perhaps the Trump impeachment trial. Trump will argue that he didn’t incite this insurrection. Comments from people like Jenna above are not definitive, not conclusive, but they are circumstantial. Building a case is like building a brick wall, each piece of evidence is yet another brick. It certainly proves that Trump’s own supporters believe that he meant it.

White entitlement. BLM were criminals, they broke windows and threw tear gas back at the police. Jenna here is not a criminal, she was following her president’s orders to stop the steal, see the difference?

We don’t either.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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