Politics - News Analysis

Right-Wing Pastor Says Trump is ‘Recognized From Heaven’ as the ‘Primary Government Leader of Planet Earth’

In December, right-wing pastor Johnny Enlow claimed Donald Trump was dragging out the election results so that he could gather evidence so that he could expose his opponents and execute them. It can be safely said that we all know how that turned out, but Enlow, undaunted by reality, popped up on the Elijah Streams YouTube Channel (where he normally pops up) Friday.

But this time, the Trump-supporting, QAnon conspiracy-loving evangelical who’s the architect behind the Seven Mountains Dominionism Prophecy, declared that Donald Trump is “recognized from Heaven” as the lawful U.S. president and that God is seeking to make that a reality on Earth, Right Wing Watch reports.

Enlow predicted that God will make certain that Trump serves a second term and “it’s going to be fairly quick.”

“There’s all these dimensions that the Lord is coming to affect and change right now, and President Trump still has a very active viable role in that,” he said. “Believe me, God is doing things with him, and I won’t go into it more than that. But he’s not a passive player; he is recognized from Heaven [as] the primary government leader on planet Earth.”

So let’s see, God thinks racist, misogynistic, alleged pedophile Trump is the “primary” leader on the planet. Trump can barely get through the day without a meltdown but he can lead his followers to incite deadly violence and that’s who God wants as the leader.

But people like Enlow aren’t bothered by this. Trump is their guy no matter what. We’ve seen that with Paula White and Lance Wallnau, so why not Enlow as well?

Later in the program, Enlow, who has repeatedly predicted Trump would win the election and remain president, waved away allegations that he’s a false prophet just because his prophesies about Trump failed to come true. He asserted that while other people call him a prophet, and that he’s recognized all over the world as one, he doesn’t call himself a prophet. Then he said it’s up to those who hear his prophecies to make up their own minds about whether he’s a prophet. Or not.

“If you receive me as a prophet, I’m a prophet,” he said. “If you don’t, I’m not.”

He followed that up by saying he knows he’s not 100 percent right all the time, so “you can’t stone me either because I’m not a false prophet.”

He may not be a “false prophet” but he sure likes to brag about his other prophecies. He claims he predicted  the locations of gold, silver, and salt mines that, according to him, are worth more than $500 billion. And, not only that, he claimed he’s so accurate that Peru’s legislature has awarded him a “diploma of honor,” thus recognizing his prophetic acumen.

Obviously even though Trump has left the building, people like Enlow aren’t going anywhere. I don’t know whether to think they just have sad and pathetic lives or if they really are this delusional. Or if they’re trying to trick the never-ending supply of gullible people who would prefer to believe the ridiculous instead of the actual reality.

And that’s really quite sad. The circus has left town but apparently the clowns are staying.

Here’s the clip below, courtesy of Right Wing Watch.

meet the author

Megan has lived in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and she currently lives in Central America. Living in these places has informed her writing on politics, science, and history. She is currently owned by 15 cats and 3 dogs and regularly owns Trump supporters when she has the opportunity. She can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/GaiaLibra and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/politicalsaurus


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