Politics - News Analysis

Alex Jones Says the Dognapping of Lady Gaga’s French Bulldogs Was a False Flag Operation

We have to be really careful here because many of us come from families that have been touched by mental illness and we do all we can to remove the stigma. And so when we say that Alex Jones is mentally ill, we don’t mean to say that that’s the end of the analysis. “He’s insane.” Yes, he very much is. And yet Jones’ insanity gets broadcasted out to listeners/viewers who then start following his insane views and it literally leads to a group psychosis.

That is a problem and it was a problem long before Jones ever mouthed the words “false flag.” Yet, that’s where we stand with Jones and the Lady Gaga dognapping that occurred at the hands of an assailant.

Jones is looking for something more here. From our friends at HillReporter:

“I don’t buy any of it. And I have said over and over again, I would look for false flags to happen. L.A.’s so dangerous, it’s probably just thugs or criminals doing a dog-jacking operation.

Wait, wait, wait. Which. Is. It? It is a false flag, or is it just a bunch of thugs doing a dog-jacking operation?

He is confused by the question and so we’ll let him move on, but as we do, keep in mind that the man is both mentally ill and a good friend of Donald Trump. Jones was pictured outside the Capitol during the insurrection. Move on or we’re really going down a rabbit hole:

 “But when you look at all the sick stuff she’s into, and all the weird spirit cooking and the occultism and the rest of it — I would say, is this a false flag to give her attention and make her look like a victim and to get major news coverage of the stupid Oreo cookies that do have one of the international symbols of ped*ph*lia on the cookies.”

So, wait. Lady Gaga, the woman who literally cannot go out because she’s hounded by so many paparazzi wants attention? Or is it that she wants to look like a victim? We are very confused. But so is Jones.

Lady Gaga issued a statement today in which she posted a $500,000 reward for her dogs, no questions asked. We can relate. We have been close enough to animals that they are family. If we had the same amount of money as her and in the same situation, we might do the same. We can imagine the pain she’s in.

Perhaps that is the real story here. There is not a terribly tragic situation that goes by that Alex Jones isn’t willing to make more painful by villainizing the victims. We thought he learned a lesson. But one of the problems with mental illness is that lessons often don’t take.

We hope Lady Gaga gets her dogs back. We hope that Jones finds a good dog and better medicine. The good news is that the next time Jones claims some major national tragedy is a false flag, we need only point back to Lady Gaga’s dogs and people might realize, that’s all this guy has, it is the same act, over and over.

Disgusting human being. Come to think about it, we don’t want him to get a dog, doesn’t deserve one.

**UPDATE** Lady Gaga’s dogs were turned in.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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