Politics - News Analysis

Arizona MAGA Congresswoman Says ‘Hispanics Are VERY Good Workers’ — But They Shouldn’t Get the Vaccine First

At some point, the MAGAs will just admit that “some racism” is part of their platform, at least in those cases where racism and xenophobia “make good policy” according to the MAGAs – watch for it.

Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) came very close to admitting it outright in defending an amendment that would put undocumented immigrants at the end of the line for a COVID vaccine by saying that she personally knew that Hispanic people are “very good workers.”

That’s nice. We know some Hispanic people that are not very good workers. We know some white people that are not very good workers. We know some black people that are not very good workers, We personally know that we’re often not very good workers. But it’s nice that she knows that all Hispanics are very good workers and that only Hispanics are undocumented. Painting with a broad brush is painting with a broad brush. We all know she said “I know they’re good workers” so she could say that she wasn’t racist. No one race or ethnicity is “all” anything.

The amendment was proposed during a hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee as it considered President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 relief bill.

Lesko said it was “amazing” to her that Democrats voiced opposition to the amendment.

“I worked with people that are Hispanic, I mean, they’re very good workers. You know, we’re compassionate people, but for goodness’ sakes, we have to take care of American citizens or people that are here legally first,” she said.

Well, perhaps there is an argument to be made that American citizens should be eligible to receive the vaccine first except for one thing. First, it isn’t compassionate at all. Second, the virus doesn’t care about your nationality and if you are here, one way or another, and get the virus, you can pass it on to those hard-working white people, hard-working black people, lazy-ass writers, all the people that could give COVID to someone else.

So, along with being “Human” and compassionate, perhaps there is another reason that Democrats didn’t want the Amendment. Science?

Lesko said she would not be able to explain to senior citizens in her state why undocumented people would be getting the vaccine along with the rest of the population.

“I just think that’s totally wrong,” she concluded.

So say that. “I just think it’s totally wrong.” And see what happens.

Most people are fairly compassionate and since most undocumented workers are here making sure we don’t pay three times as much for our produce, working their asses off, maybe they deserve every right to health and safety American citizens get. (In every wave of immigrants, from the Irish, to Italians, to Asians – the first wave was always assigned labor that White Americans didn’t want to do. The second generation becomes doctors, teachers, scientists – every time, because that’s what people do.) The first generation suffers the most, sacrifices for the next generation, the next generation simply does what people do, always – be just like everyone around them. Remarkably, this is also why we should vaccinate people without respect to “citizenship.”

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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