Politics - News Analysis

MAGA-Q Strikes Again: QAnon Thinks Oprah’s Wearing an ‘Ankle Monitor’ During Interview

It is a tough haul nowadays to be a MAGA-Q, or MAQA.

For those who might be bothered by us lumping the whole lot of them together under the “MAGA-Q” or “MAQA” monicker, we will be happy to separate the two just as soon as they separate themselves. For now, with the election conspiracy still strong, we believe there’s far too much overlap.

Most everyone watched the Harry and Meghan Markle interview last night. The interview dropped several heavy allegations against the royals, including an outright accusation of racism, “What color will the baby’s skin be?” But for reasons passing understanding, the MAQAs were less interested in a possible conspiracy involving the royals than the one involving American royalty, Oprah. They are convinced that Oprah is wearing an ankle bracelet because she’s under house arrest. “Srsly.”

From Newsweek:

However, instead of discussing the issues raised during the interview, QAnon supporters questioned whether Winfrey was wearing an ankle monitor underneath her boots following a secret arrest.

Yes, of course, because Oprah could easily have been arrested and tried, with a judge ordering an ankle monitor and we’d hear nothing about it. It would all be secret. Sure.

We The Media, a popular QAnon channel on messaging service app Telegram, asked its near 200,000 subscribers on Sunday night “Oprah ankle monitor?” while sharing an image of her boots. The question prompted a slew of replies in agreement.

“So obvious, first few minutes she was strategically keeping both her feet behind that little table then got comfortable or forgot about need to conceal it …she should fire the cameraman.”

Is it even possible it was something else? Like a thick sock? Or an ankle wrap from a small sprain?

Fellow Telegram user Mrs Kennedy asked: “People keep arguing that it’s a microphone pack… but why would that be on your ankle?”

In response, Stroud Mom said: “At the furthest point away from the mouth, and where the microphone would pick up on any time she repositioned herself, in her seat? I don’t think so.”

Of course, to the “Q’s,” there is a good reason to believe that Oprah has been arrested. According to Newsweek:

The theory stems from one of the core beliefs of the radical movement, that there is a secret cabal of [demonic child abusers] involving leading Democrats and the Hollywood elite.

QAnon followers also believe these high-profile child abusers will be arrested and given a death sentence as part of the eagerly awaited prophecy known as “the storm”—an event that has been predicted to happen several times down the years to no avail.

Yes, well – of course.

We suppose that various original “Q” members dropped out as things continued to develop without any of the predictions coming true. But the overall number involved in the conspiracy continues to grow. It gets scary when it starts to encompass the election, the vaccine, Bill Gates, etcetera, all that.

We suspect Oprah can take care of herself. Maybe the MAQAs didn’t notice but she looked great and was paid almost $10 million to do the interview. She will be fine. She is an immensely talented woman with a genius intellect who has done far more good than harm to this world. We are quite content to believe that she’d give all her money away before she’d abuse a child. The MAQAs should put that challenge to Trump.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak


meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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