Politics - News Analysis

Rep. Lauren Boebert Faces Backlash for Comparing Illegal Immigrants to Dogs in Insane Twitter Rant

We have already noted that Lauren Boebert received serious blowback today for a controversial promotional video in which she demands Nancy Pelosi tear down a fence that was erected in response to the insurrection that Boebert seemed to support (at least the end goals) and might have had a role in planning. The fact that she went straight at Nancy Pelosi, the woman that Boebert advised the crowd had been taken out of the House made it a particularly dark and ugly video, that almost taunted those concerned with the obvious lateral issues.

Later on Tuesday, Boebert seemed to go out of her way to just be a jackass.

As we noted earlier on Tuesday, the young Biden German Shepard, “Major,” had an aggressive incident with a U.S. Secret Service person which sounded like a bite but some reports say it was a nip – mostly a subjective determination of degree. It is a sad thing but in the larger context, considering the serious issues that require attention in the Capitol, it is not a “big thing.” It is certainly not a joking matter, nor anything from which to draw a lesson.

So Boebert attempted to make it a bigger thing and added the exact wrong “lesson.” From MSN:

The Colorado Republican wrote on Twitter that the two German Shepherds owned by the US president were ‘deported’, while “illegal immigrants” were not. It followed news that the two dogs were sent back to Mr Biden’s home state of Delaware after a “biting” incident at the White House last week.

Ms Boebert remarked that “Biden can deport his dogs for violent acts, but not illegal immigrants. I guess the White House isn’t a sanctuary city,” she added.

Illegal immigrants get deported all the time and Lauren knows it. Not all of them get deported because many “illegals” (the term Lauren uses) have built good lives here as good citizens and have earned a place to stay. Others, who are criminals, cannot stay and are deported under Biden. Lauren likely doesn’t know this distinction. She probably thinks all immigrants are criminals and none can be good citizens.

And of course, her comments mirrored what her leader and prophet said a week ago:

The Republican was widely criticised for the comments, with Colorado state senator Kerry Donovan, a Democrat, urging her Twitter followers to “Retweet if you’re ready to unseat Lauren Boebert.” Another Twitter user wrote: “Is it just me, or should Lauren Boebert already be removed from Twitter?”

The criticism comes almost a fortnight after former president Donald Trump rebuked Mr Biden’s decision to rescind a Trump-era order on “sanctuary cities” in January.

So, the Boebert trifecta: She was wrong on the facts, she followed up on Trump’s message, and she was hateful, especially toward POC and immigrants.

It is who she is and she will not change or evolve, both of which require education and she has none.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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