Politics - News Analysis

Trump Supporters Whine That They’re the ‘Outcasts of the Country’ at Sparsely Attended Trump Rally

It would appear that some of the MAGAs are beginning to notice (and yet not fully understand) that there are consequences to their reckless and racist behavior. Some of those consequences may involve finding themselves unwanted, cast out of regular society. The fact that these MAGAs (from Kentucky and Cincinatti as below) have felt rejected is encouraging. After all, the MAGAs collectively engaged in a lot of behavior that a healthy society should reject.

The Cincinnati Inquirer did a deep dive covering a protest this Saturday to align with the Justice for 1/6 protest in Washington. The paper reported on the local protest and collected a significant number of quotes that shed some light on this group’s outlook at where they now fit in this country.

First, a description of the event itself:

Speaking Saturday night were former Trump advisor and Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle, who is currently dating Donald Trump Jr., and Fox News personality Tomi Lahren.

People came from all over the region, as far away as Batavia and Fairfield, united in their fealty to Trump, distrust of the COVID-19 vaccines and belief in the debunked myths surrounding the 2020 election and Trump’s discredited claims of a stolen election. No evidence exists of widespread voter fraud.

When people are showing up to talks featuring the girlfriend (not even wife) of the son of the former president, one knows that this is a desperate cult. But they are a cult that no longer feels welcome, “We’re the outcasts of the country these days,” said Bill Albright.

What could he possibly expect when their entire cult is centered around such ridiculous and offensive beliefs?

The 57-year-old traveled from his home in Batavia with his girlfriend Kathi Brinegar. They gripped flag poles on the hillside where Deters had built a stage and amphitheater, the wind whipping their large flags that said  “2020 was rigged”, “Unmasked, unmuzzled, unvaccinated, unafraid,” and “Joe Biden sucks.

How can anyone immediately reject such sophisticated and nuanced positions, we ask with dripping sarcasm? And then there is the racism which qualifies as immediate and obvious rejection and disdain:

During the speeches, one man in the Proud Boy colors flashed the ‘OK’ symbol, which the Anti-Defamation League and other civil rights groups say has been co-opted into a white supremacist symbol

As we have reported on many occasions, the moment one sees social media posts arrogantly telling you to “do your research” you know you are talking to a MAGA because their research consists of perusing far-right sites. Reading crap posted by people that know less than the reader is not “research,” and yet:

“I don’t have any news sources,” Patrick Reynolds said. 

“Just research,” Shari Reynolds said. 

They do see news stories, Patrick Reynolds said, but “you have to research the information.”

Which journals do they research? The Lancet? The New England Journal of Medicine? Nature? Science.org? We suspect not.

“The media has become so consumed by their own agenda that they’ve lost sight of their responsibility to report, to inform and to serve, but they sure do love their little fact checks,” Guilfoyle said. “I could say Kentucky is a beautiful state, magnificent, and they would fact check me.

Define media? Much of the media does have an agenda. Their agenda is the same as this site’s agenda. We report on facts dug up by reliable news organizations, whose agenda is to find facts. We then analyze how it all fits together from a progressive position. The fact that they disagree with the agenda, starting with facts they do not like, is not the media’s fault. Insisting upon an organization that reports “assertions” (as opposed to facts) that they like is called “pretending.”

And they cannot figure out why they have been cast out by respectable society.


[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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