Politics - News Analysis

Trump Unleashes on Meghan McCain in Sickening Statement Calling Her ‘Basically a Low Life’

We all know there’s no bottom with Donald Trump and today’s statement was nowhere near his worst, but it was one of his most bizarre. It seems like any time the “McCain” name comes up, whatever the context, Trump’s snakelike instinct kicks in and he must say something malicious and just plain weird about the McCain family.

Yesterday, we noted that Meghan McCain was actually mocked by the media, and Twitter, for complaining about the way she was treated by Saturday Night Live and the parodies she endured. Her response was weird, but it certainly was not worthy of a “former president’s official response.” Then again, most topics aren’t.

But here is Trump’s response brought to us with a few comments from Mediaite: 

 “Isn’t it funny that Meghan McCain, who has always been a bu11y and basically a low life, is now complaining that it was she who was bu11ied by the Slobs and Radical Left maniacs of “The View.”

Trump insulting others by calling them, bu11ies and low lifes?

“At the request of many of her representatives, I made it possible for her father to have the world’s longest funeral, designed and orchestrated by him, even though I was never, to put it mildly, a fan,” he continued.

“In his own very special way, he was a RINO’s RINO.” He then followed his standard pattern of the past year or so, by suddenly pivoting to his baseless claims of election fraud, “won Arizona by a lot in 2016 and won Arizona by even more in 2020.”

Every single time Trump talks about John McCain, he congratulates himself for allowing the funeral to take place in Washington DC, as if he set up the church himself, flew the plane, and wrote the speeches. Why would he care about “the longest funeral”? Why did he care about the funeral at all? He didn’t go! It is not like he watched.

And if you can decipher the second paragraph above, you are smarter than us. Trump’s hatred for McCain is based solely on the fact that McCain didn’t support him, and – as McCain going through a horrible time medically, cast the last “no” vote on abolishing Obamacare.

That’s it. That’s the root of Trump’s hatred because that is Trump. If a person doesn’t support Trump they are a RINO because Trump is the Republican Party and the Republican Party is Trump. Meghan McCain doesn’t support Trump, but supports the MAGA agenda. She had her name appear in the news yesterday and thus Trump had to address his hatred today, always including the funeral. What a sicko.


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