
GOP Rep. Dan Crenshaw Flipped Out on a Child for Asking a Question and It’s Really Gross

Texas Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw seems remarkably short-tempered. Especially if you happen to be a young girl with the temerity to show up at a Tea Party PAC meeting in Montgomery County and question his faith, thus causing the video from that confrontation to become viral. The Independent reports this brouhaha took place Monday Night.

The girl, who isn’t identified, quoted a statement Crenshaw made on the Jocko Podcast.

Crenshaw was holding forth on the podcast about the importance of role models, saying: “The important thing is that we have societal hero archetypes that we look up to. Jesus is a hero archetype. Superman is a hero archetype. Real characters too, you know, I could name a thousand.”

“You know, Rosa Parks, Ronald Reagan, all of these people embody certain attributes that the American people think ‘This is good,'” he said.

So at Monday’s Tea Bagger fest, the young girl zinged him with a well-deserved comment.

“I’ve seen you claim to be a Christian,” she began. “You’ve talked about God, but when you claim Jesus archetype, you not only lied about Jesus not being real, but you lied about being a Christian.”

She read Crenshaw’s quote from the podcast and added: “I can’t wrap my head around this.”

That’s when Crenshaw became Mr. Crabby pants.

“Well I’ll help you,” he said. “Put a period after the word ‘Jesus.’ And don’t question my faith.”

That video has now garnered 1.4 million views as of Tuesday evening.

Audience members were quick to boo Crenshaw and telling him not to speak to the girl that way.

“Don’t talk to a kid like that, jerk,” one man is heard saying, while another in the audience calls him a “moron.”

“You guys can ask questions about all of these things and I will answer them, but don’t question my faith,” Crenshaw said.

Undeterred by Crenshaw’s hostility, the girl stood up for herself.

“I can question your faith if this is what you said,” she responded.

Then of course, Crenshaw tried to spin it around.

“Nowhere in that quote am I saying Jesus isn’t real. That is a ridiculous statement,” he snapped as the audience continued heckling him.

“Of course he is the son of God,” Crenshaw responded after being questioned by an audience member.

A few dumb nuts in the audience couldn’t resist yelling “Let’s Go Brandon!” Republican stupidese for “F*ck Joe Biden!” But the back-and-forth between the girl and Crenshaw continued.

“You can say two different things,” she said. “You can say that on a podcast, and you can say this here.”

Then of course he accused her of adding her spin to the conversation.

“On the podcast, nobody would have understood that way,” he said. “I think you’re twisting it that way, which is not very Christ-like, which is not very Christian. It’s not. It’s not, and I’m not going to have my faith questioned.”

Scott Parkinson, a member of the Conservative Club for Growth, posted the video above and couldn’t help but note: “I don’t think Dan Crenshaw is gonna raise a lot of money off *this* video.”

Well nope. Doesn’t seem likely does it?

And other notable people on Twitter had thoughts as well.

“The thing about Dan Crenshaw’s tough guy superhero campaign ad persona is that in real life he’s a thin-skinned narcissist who will snap…at a girl,” Bryan Tyler Cohen wrote.

And then there’s @OhNoSheTwitnt, who couldn’t help but add:

“Dan Crenshaw lost his temper at a … girl for reading his own quote to him but please tell us more about how liberals are snowflakes and women are too emotional.

“Crenshaw talks about his military service yet gets intimidated by a little girl lol it’s too perfect.”

And in case you’re wondering about that podcast and just what Crenshaw said, well here he is below, saying exactly what the young girl suggested. I’ve heard it said that a jerk can’t really see himself as a jerk. I’m sure it may be the same way for creeps too.

meet the author

Megan has lived in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and she currently lives in Central America. Living in these places has informed her writing on politics, science, and history. She is currently owned by 15 cats and 3 dogs and regularly owns Trump supporters when she has the opportunity. She can be found on Twitter at and Facebook at


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