Politics - News Analysis

Bill Barr Ripped with Scathing Review of Book: ‘Tidal Wave of Self-Serving, Revisionist Bullsh*t’

Sometimes one doesn’t need to read a book to write a scathing review as Elie Honig did for Bill Barr’s One Damn Thing After Another, all one needs is to see the few quotes that have been made public to understand the tone and the fact that the book is being written by the hero, himself.

Honig is right, indeed, in every story that we’ve written on portions of the book released to the public, we’ve reminded ourselves that Barr isn’t going to make himself the ass of the meeting, though we’re sure there plenty when he was.

Honig writes:

“The Bill Barr Public Image Rehabilitation Tour of 2022 is underway. Prepare for a tidal wave of self-serving, revisionist bullshit.”

“How bold and principled of Barr to come clean now, in March 2022, and let’s be clear: this is no honest, self-reflective, lookback. True to form, even Barr’s fleeting moments of clarity are compromised by half-baked, self-pitying deflection.”

As we noted above, Honig admits he never read the book, but hit sharp notes throughout his article, and – not to brag, they are the same sharp notes we hit in saying Goodbye Bill Barr in December of 2020.

“Hatchet Man: How Bill Barr Broke the Prosecutor’s Code and Corrupted,” Hoenig claimed Barr’s book appears to bear out his belief that “Barr’s extremist political and religious beliefs drove his ends-justifies-the-means conduct as attorney general.”

What consequences will he face? The answer, it seems, is none, or almost none. Yes, he routinely lied to the public, but that’s not illegal. He also lied to Congress when convenient, which is illegal, but there is zero evidence or practical reason to believe he’ll be prosecuted for that. He’s been sued and might lose his law license, but those outcomes remain uncertain and, regardless, he’ll remain wealthy and comfortably semi-retired. Heck, he’s about to be generously rewarded for his corrupt tenure as attorney general; NBC News is planning a weeklong Barr gush-fest, and his book is poised to become a bestseller.”

“So it’s no surprise that Barr is back, and as full of crap and self-aggrandizing as ever. But let’s not allow him to get away with it. Barr had every chance to do his job at attorney general honestly, with decency and integrity. He plainly believes he has the power to re-cast history now, after the fact, with words trumping action. Don’t let Barr get away with it. He has done tremendous damage to the Justice Department and the United States. Let history judge Barr on his record, not the spin.

We have nothing to add. Indeed, in a lot of ways, we wrote the prequel.


[email protected] and always with Nicole Hickman

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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