Politics - News Analysis

George Conway Thinks ‘Maybe We’ll See’ Russia’s Dirt on Trump After Trump Calls for Putin to Drop Dirt on Biden

Former President Donald Trump is again calling for Russia to release more dirt on President Joe Biden, and this has earned a healthy dose of criticism from George Conway, who can’t help but wonder if there will ever come a time when Russia will ‘fess up on whatever it knows about Trump.

In a wide-ranging interview, CNN’s Brianna Keilar asked him about the latest developments surrounding Hunter Biden’s taxes and his international business activities, Mediaite reports. Conway couldn’t really say how problematic this might prove for the Biden family. He did, however, notice one important difference now that Biden is in office, telling Keilar “but the point is we don’t have a president who is saying ‘this is fake news, those prosecutors are corrupt.’ We don’t have a president who is trying to disrupt the process of an investigation in the Justice Department to help somebody in his family.”

Quite obviously Conway was referring to Trump, so that led Keilar to ask him about Trump’s latest interview where he asked Russia to air the Biden’s dirty laundry, even as Russia continues to misinform worldwide while waging war on Ukraine. Conway also had something to say about footage showing Senator Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), who waffled around Trump by calling Putin a “war criminal” but saying he was open to dirt provided on the Bidens.

Far too many Republicans have been cowards about Trump, cowering around him. He says “Jump!” too many say “how high?” Of course, Republicans were doing this long before Trump left office and they’re still doing it.

“This is a man for whom there is no bottom, and Republicans are afraid to call him out,” Conway said. “We are in the middle of a war where [Vladimir] Putin, who can’t be trusted for a moment, who murders political opponents, who slaughters women and children, and Donald Trump is focused on — what? Himself. Because he wants to get revenge for losing the 2020 election.”

Conway concluded by wondering how different the situation would be if Putin was replaced by jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, who then turns right around and offers up whatever dirt Russia has on Trump.

“I wonder someday that maybe we won’t have a president in Russia who acts in the best interest of the Russian people and behaves himself before the world. Maybe President Navalny. Pray to God somehow that could happen, and maybe we’ll see the Russian files on Donald Trump. I think those would be interesting.”

Perhaps then we’ll find out more about those “golden showers.” Eeek, perish the thought!


meet the author

Megan has lived in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and she currently lives in Central America. Living in these places has informed her writing on politics, science, and history. She is currently owned by 15 cats and 3 dogs and regularly owns Trump supporters when she has the opportunity. She can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/GaiaLibra and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/politicalsaurus


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