
Jimmy Kimmel Humiliates Lara Trump Over Her ‘Big New Lips’ That She Premiered in Fox News Appearance

On his show last week, late-night host Jimmy Kimmel took a few potshots at Lara Trump, but that was after taking potshots at her father-in-law for at first praising Russian President Vladimir Putin for invading Ukraine, then trying to moonwalk those comments back by saying “I think Putin has changed. It’s a very sad thing for the world. He’s very much changed.”

Some of us might say Donald Trump was also “a very sad thing for the world.” As for Jimmy Kimmel, he couldn’t help but wisecrack “At least he still has Kim Jong-un,” The Daily Beast reports.

But then Trump’s daughter-in-law Lara Trump was the next to get roasted. She’s been making the rounds criticizing President Joe Biden, as has her husband Eric Trump, who wishes he could have dinner with Jesus so he can continue complaining about Biden. But Kimmel, quick as always with a quip, noted Lara’s “credentials when it comes to politics are ‘I married Eric.'”

Then he observed:

“[She] was on Fox News last night to lash out at Joe Biden and put those big new lips she has on daddy-in-law’s a**.”

This led The Daily Beast’s Marlow Stern to note “there are many more worthwhile things to mock, than her looks, which seems like a low blow.”

And he’s right. It is a low blow. To be sure, Kimmel is quick-witted but why not mock Lara Trump for her making silly claims about how hard her father-in-law worked while president? Or her impossibly dumb claims about critical race theory? I mean really, there’s a lot of material to mine here. Kimmel didn’t have to lower himself to this level.

But then, fortunately, he was back on track, and the dude is pretty funny after all. He posted a clip of Lara Trump on Fox News saying, “What I’d love to know is: What is Joe Biden’s platform? What is his stump speech to the American people? What is his list of accomplishments that he can rattle off for Americans, you know, like Donald Trump, who had to put an entire website together because we couldn’t keep track of all his accomplishments?”

“Oh, that’s why he did it?” Kimmel retorted. “I thought it was because he got kicked off of all the other websites.”

Which, of course, he was. And he tried to start one or two of his own and they keep going down in flames. As did Trump Vodka, Trump Airlines, Trump steaks, and a whole host of other ventures this “businessman” has failed at.

So it’s good that we have comedians like Kimmel to remind us of things like this. He just shouldn’t take a slap at Lara Trump because she has a big mouth.


meet the author

Megan has lived in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and she currently lives in Central America. Living in these places has informed her writing on politics, science, and history. She is currently owned by 15 cats and 3 dogs and regularly owns Trump supporters when she has the opportunity. She can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/GaiaLibra and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/politicalsaurus


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