Politics - News Analysis

Watch as Ron DeSantis Yells at Students for Wearing Masks, ‘Stop With This COVID Theater!’

Oh, look at that, Florida Man strikes again. And this time, in a particularly gross way.

Gov. Ron DeSantis visited Tampa for a press conference Wednesday morning, and he made it very obvious he is NOT a fan of face masks.

According to WFLA, DeSantis was at the University of South Florida to announce funding for cybersecurity education. Before taking the podium to address the audience, the governor actually scolded a bunch of students behind him who were wearing masks.

“You do not have to wear those masks,” DeSantis said. “I mean, please take them off. Honestly, it’s not doing anything and we’ve gotta stop with this COVID theater. So if you want to wear it, fine, but this is ridiculous.”

The governor’s opposition to masks is no secret. He’s the MAGA governor, the man many think will eventually take Trump’s place when he retires from politics. DeSantis made a series of moves last year to block mask mandates, even signing an executive order withholding state funds from schools that impose them. In February, he said parents should be given the power to sue school districts if they have a child who “was illegally forced-masked this year in Florida.”

DeSantis also said that students who have speech, emotional and physical problems should also be able to sue because they were forced to wear a mask. And a quick reminder that Ukrainian children are dealing with war right now and DeSantis is whining about masks, but I digress.

And according to WFLA reporter Evan Donovan, the students were in high school, not college. So DeSantis was yelling and scolding minors. Nice guy.

Twitter was sickened:


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