Politics - News Analysis

Jen Psaki Fearlessly Faces Fox News: Totally Nails the Answer and Throws the Issue Right Back at Them

If you are a Democrat and you go on Fox News – which is a good idea for the well prepared – you are going to be asked about immigration. Immigration is one of those problems ever bothering the Right because the Republican voters (as opposed to the corporations and money) want to see the border closed altogether. But it’s an intractable problem for a million reasons, not the least of which is that the economy of about eight states and three sectors depends upon the reliable flow of illegal immigrants. This country has luxuriated in the fact that we’ll have people come that will do work Americans will not and do it for minimum wage or less. We pay less at the store.

California is the nation’s largest agricultural state. California couldn’t last a year without farmworkers from Mexico, most of whom crossed illegally and work in agriculture because… big secret… Border Patrol doesn’t come by the big farms and dairies. They know. Florida relies on tourism perhaps more than any other state. How would the Florida hotel industry get through a year without illegal immigrants willing to clean for minimum wage or less? The restaurant industry?

We invite illegal immigrants here because it saves us so much money in the areas above and many others. We make it hard, we make it dangerous, but there is an implied invitation. The CEO of Hilton hotels is not going to prison for hiring illegal immigrants.

And it is for that precise reason that Congress will not put together a new immigration bill, the one that has been needed going back to the George W. Bush administration, the one for which Obama begged, gave them a deadline, then took much of it into his own hands. No deportation of Dreamers or parents. Republicans went beserk but didn’t pass a law opposing Obama’s move. Indeed, Trump set about trying to reverse Obama’s rule in order to have the ability to kick out whoever they wanted (while some would stay). The SCOTUS said, “No.”

As said, MAGAs want the border closed 100%, and don’t care that it is impossible as a practical matter. Republican politicians, listening to Big Ag (the family farm is mostly gone, especially in California, Texas, and Florida) know they can’t be too harsh. Democrats know where their votes come from and largely believe immigration is good. (So did Reagan. He mentioned it in his last speech as president.)

So any Democrat going on Fox is going to hear about immigration and they are going to hear that it’s a failure because Republicans can prove illegal immigrants are “pouring in.” They don’t mention that many poured in during the Trump administration. Democrats are asked why the administration is doing such a poor job (it’s assumed). Every single Democrat should take notes while watching Jen Psaki answer the question.

Correct every misconception. As the law stands now, it’s simply unworkable for all the reasons listed above. Let the viewers know that Congress needs to pass a new comprehensive immigration law. And, to make it art, let them know that Republicans are holding up much-needed money for other things, like COVID, over immigration, instead of working on a new plan. Plus, do it with a little attitude, get angry when noting Republicans are holding up money for Americans because they won’t do their jobs.


[email protected], @JasonMiciak, with Nicole Hickman

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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