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Herschel Walker Says His Multiple Personality Disorder is NOT Mental Illness Because Jesus Had it Too

Over the years, Herschel Walker, Donald Trump’s “chosen” candidate to run against incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock for the Georgia Senate has talked about [1] dealing with multiple personality disorder, more properly known as Dissociative Identity Disorder. [2]

Now, I’m not about to mock someone who’s clearly struggling with this, but I am going to remind Georgia folks to vote in the midterms, otherwise, as Wonkette [3] notes, they really might wind up with a candidate who’s ill-equipped to do the job a senator is expected to do.

An old interview has resurfaced that centers on Walker explaining why he doesn’t believe his multiple personality disorder is a mental illness. (Video below)

“Do our Lord Jesus Christ have a mental illness because he said he’s the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit? To me, those are 3 different personalities.”

Wonkette’s Evan Hurst [4] suggests this question is one that Walker should debate with Warnock, who is the pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church, in Atlanta, Georgia, because this really should be a theological debate, not a policy one, “…because we really don’t think in our heart of hearts that Herschel Walker has policy beliefs.”

“After all,” Hurst explains, “he recently suggested, after the Uvalde massacre, that we could help solve shootings with a ‘department that can look at young men that’s looking at women that’s looking at social media.’ Not sure which of the Holy Trinity’s multiple personality disorders inspired that idea. ‘Cain killed Abel, and that’s a problem we have,’ said Walker, again revealing his extensive trove of Bible knowledge.”

Hurst writes that the “divine mystery of the trinity in Christian theology is not an example of dissociative identity disorder.” I don’t spend a lot of time reflecting on these issues but I’m sure he’s probably right here. And so that means Walker’s comparing himself to Jesus is quite surely off the mark too.

Heisman Trophy winner and Republican candidate for Senate Herschel Walker prays before speaking at a rally on May 23, 2022 in Athens, Georgia.

And also unlike Walker, Jesus didn’t have a history of telling lies. He never lied [5] about having a ginormous chicken empire, for instance. Nor did he lie [6] about having a career in the FBI. I’m pretty sure Jesus didn’t have extramarital kids [7] to sweep under the rug.

But the other weird thing here is that like Dr. Mehmet Oz, [8] who lives in New Jersey, but is for some reason running for the Senate in Pennsylvania on the GOP ticket, Walker lives in Texas but is running for the Georgia Senate. I do not know why either of these two are doing this but it’s pretty clear Herschel Walker is ill-equipped to serve his prospective constituents well if he wins. It’s quite likely it’s Trump’s ignorance about Black people that led him to endorse Walker because he seems to think these voters will vote for any influential Black person even if they are cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

I mean, remember that whole Kanye West debacle? The MAGA crowd went goofy for him when he announced [9] his independent run for president while he was clearly having a mental breakdown.

Herschel Walker greets Donald Trump in Perry, Georgia, in September. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

And Walker has inadvertently turned himself into the poster boy for the type of White bigotry that Trump and his evangelical base so love by making clueless and weird remarks about the Black Lives Matter movement.

Newsweek is reporting that Warnock is ahead [11] of Walker in a number of recent polls. [12] Let’s hope that continues because it’s bad enough that Georgians have to deal with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. Having to also deal with Walker isn’t going to do them any extra favors.