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Jared Kushner Makes Pathetic Attempt to Defend ‘That Video’ When Ivanka Humiliated Herself at the G20 Conference

There has already been a lot of quibbling over Jared Kushner’s memoir Breaking History: A White House Memoir. [1] Even though the book isn’t scheduled for release until August 23, 2022. [2] First, we read about his allegations that former White House chief of staff John Kelly shoved [3] Kushner’s wife, Ivanka Trump, then we read, courtesy of statements [4] made by another former chief of staff in the Trump administration, Mick Mulvaney that no, he didn’t.

So who knows what really happened? And now Ivanka is the star of another controversy in Kushner’s book, where he defends her appearance at the 2019 G20 summit in Japan. In a video that went meteorically viral, we see Ivanka insinuating herself into a convo with French President Emmanuel Macron, then-Prime Minister Theresa May, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and IMF director Christine Lagarde. Viewers couldn’t help but notice that Lagarde appears to turn away from Ivanka as she speaks.

Kushner however, defends his wife in his book, saying the characterization was “entirely inaccurate,” because all of the leaders had just attended an event about empowering women economically. Ivanka led the event and he writes that his wife and Lagarde had a “warm relationship.”

Who could forget that video, when Ivanka was totally out of her element, and the leaders present let her know it with their facial expressions.

In recounting the story, Kushner puts it all down to “snarky and dishonest detractors used the video…to create the false narrative that Ivanka was unwelcome at the G20,” and he adds this was “painful and disheartening” for Ivanka.

“Beneath her stoic smile, Ivanka has a big heart,” Kushner writes, “and the media’s attacks could sting. I wish I could do more as a husband to help her feel proud of her important work, even in the face of unfair criticism.” Kushner then added “We both had to learn to let go of the things we couldn’t control and keep perspective on what mattered most: our faith, our family, and what we were trying to achieve.”

But of course, one thing we learned about Ivanka Trump is her talent at grifting. Like the time she helmed the Farmers to Families program, which was created by the Department of Agriculture, which I wrote about [5] in a story last year. As part of the program, food was to be distributed to families left devastated by COVID-19. However, when the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis decided to investigate, they found it was nothing more than a poorly planned PR stunt that lined the pockets of completely unqualified [6] contractors with millions and millions (and millions) of dollars. And the sole reason for this was to boost her father, Donald Trump’s reelection chances.

The G20 also brought us this embarrassing scene.

Well, we can be glad that last part didn’t work.

Below you’ll find the video in question.