Politics - News Analysis

‘Quintessential Pro-Life Texan’ Suddenly Needs Medically-Required Abortion: Had to Go to New Mexico

Men will probably never fully appreciate that “pregnancy” is not the natural or normal state of being for any woman. It saps the mother’s body of strength, which is why any health issues, from diabetes to depression, are heightened during pregnancy. Many men don’t realize that prior to modern medicine, many women died during pregnancy and especially during childbirth. Even today, pregnancies can lead to death.

In such a position, doctors must be able to proceed to save the mother’s life. Of course, we save the woman’s life, or we’re not pro-life, right?

But not in Texas and not for Kailee Lingo, who describes herself as someone who was a “quintessential pro-life Texan,” until her medical conditions during pregnancy became life-threatening. As CNN reports:

A year after they were married, Kailee miscarried at 16 weeks and was hospitalized for severe complications, including blood clots and infection. It was one of three miscarriages she had in the early years of marriage…

It made Kailee realize that pregnancy could be dangerous, and from that point on, she realized it was critical to keep abortion rights. She made calls to friends and legislators, begging that abortion rights be kept available. Later in the year, she learned she was pregnant again, and she and her husband were thrilled. They even named their son. And then tragedy:

Then, about three months later, they learned that Finley had heart, lung, brain, kidney and genetic defects and would either be stillborn or die within minutes of birth. Carrying him to term put Kailee at high risk for severe pregnancy complications, including blood clots, preeclampsia and cancer.

If abortion was ever required, one to save a mother’s life by removing a fetus with no hope of surviving anyway… and yet, she couldn’t get one in Texas. She felt betrayed:

How could you be so cruel as to pass a law that you know will hurt women and that you know will cause babies to be born in pain?” she added. “How is that humane? How is that saving anybody?

It isn’t. Moreover, even women that are not facing such dire medical consequences will die needlessly by getting a “back alley” abortion. The ultimate irony is that all these pro-life laws do not stop abortion. They only make it more deadly.

But of course, many people believe Jesus said abortions were against God’s will when he actually never said a thing about abortion, and given that the practice existed at the time, you’d think he’d mention it if it were critical. It is too easy to pronounce one’s piousness until one’s life is on the line or just one’s sanity due to economic or age issues.

Tragic because most stories won’t get on CNN, but the consequences will be far more grave.



[email protected], @JasonMiciak, with Nicole Hickman

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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