Politics - News Analysis

‘What a Bunch of Idiots!’, Top Conservative Pundit Says It’s Ridiculous That the GOP Wants to Investigate Hunter Biden First

The GOP campaigned on this. And though they did, technically, “win” the House, it came at a horrible price and humiliation, squeaking through with what might be a two to six vote majority. The American public was not impressed with their campaign promise and platform. And so what do the Republicans do? Go through with their plans with gusto, and Eric Erickson isn’t impressed:

It is official. Republicans have taken back the House of Representatives. They gathered yesterday to announce their first official act: an investigation into Hunter Biden. Dumbasses.

What a bunch of idiots. The American people just rejected the GOP “own the libs” strategy. They signaled they’d love to have responsible adult Republicans in charge. In fact, from NEW YORK STATE !!!! to Arizona, voters elected Republicans who ran on local issues tied to the economy and crime.

The House GOP decided to become poo-flinging monkeys. They’ll just throw crap out there for the spectacle of it and remind Americans their judgment of the party on election night was right. Meanwhile, the voters we need to grow our majority roll their eyes.

Yes, it would be interesting to hear a reporter ask the GOP caucus to articulate their plan to put together comprehensive immigration reform to “fix the border,” since that was one of their biggest attacks on Joe Biden and the Democrats. Or, obviously, what legislation they might propose to help bring inflation down.

But this is what the Republicans do. When they have the White House and Congress, they slash taxes on the rich, cut regulations, spend money like its grass clippings, and investigate Democrats.

Well, the GOP only holds one-half of one branch, and they’re not even slightly interested in compromises with Democrats to move legislation along. They will concentrate almost solely on their investigations, and right now, Hunter Biden – who doesn’t happen to be president, will be the primary focus. It really is moronic.

They didn’t “lose” because they didn’t promise hard enough to investigate Hunter. They lost because they’re extremists, and Americans don’t trust them with power. For once, Erickson is right. Poo-flinging monkeys, indeed.

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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