2024 Election

DeSantis Just Received an Honor That Trump Desperately Craves and Prepare for Trump to Explode in 3, 2, 1…

Time Magazine’s newest cover is out, and it’s rather bizarre and almost guaranteed to make former President Donald Trump burst a blood vessel. The cover features Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis peeling an orange.

You could think of this cover as portraying a politician who has taken sizable risks as governor to peel back Florida’s political, social, and economic landscape. And of course, Florida is known for its oranges.

But CNN’s Dana Bash says the Time cover is symbolic for another reason.

In a segment with CNN’s Boris Sanchez, Bash said the cover is particularly notable despite the historic upheaval in the media. And that, she says, is why Trump will not fare well when he discovers the Time cover.

“Donald Trump is going to be, not happy,” Bash said Thursday evening when CNN cut to a full-screen graphic of the cover. “Because there are certain brands — historical brands — that Donald Trump connects to and really takes pride in having a connection to. And Time magazine and being on covers of Time magazine is one of the primary ones.

“And even though our media landscape has changed so much — it’s not the same as it used to be to be on the cover of a magazine,” Bash explained. “But it’s very symbolic.”

Sanchez introduced the segment by discussing the Time cover, particularly DeSantis’ rather dour frown.

“He’s peeling an orange,” Sanchez observes, “his hands juicy from doing that. Quite the look on his face.”

Bash used the opportunity to break down the political analysis here, and how this plays into the race for the 2024 GOP nomination.

“The notion of him as a national figure and what he has been doing, now we can mention the substance, which is of course incredibly important,” she said. “In Florida, the reason why he delayed his entrance, his official entrance into the race is to get rhough the Florida legislature and that session and push through in a very robust and very aggressive way, signature issues that put him and Florida on the map.”

And these moves, she noted, squarely stamp DeSantis as a “government conservative.”

“Which is going to put him at odds with other conservatives who are libertarian, hands-off conservatives,” Bash explained. “And that is going to be a fascinating discussion and debate within the Republican party.”

But thanks to some of the draconian laws he’s recently passed, DeSantis may face a few stumbling blocks, and the CNN anchor noted that as an “electability message on a national scale,” the recent slew of socially skewed Florida laws pose a problem for DeSantis if he decided to enter the 2024 general election.

“Clearly he’s tripling down on very culturally conservative issues using government to push those through,” Bash explained.

Sanchez noted this was a “counterintuitive” measure.

“He’s running to the right of Donald Trump but projecting himself as a more palatable candidate nationally because of Trump’s baggage,” he said.

So it’s likely Trump will see red over this. DeSantis is, after all, a younger and likely more intelligent version of the former president and that’s not likely to make him happy.

Not one bit.

meet the author

Megan has lived in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and she currently lives in Central America. Living in these places has informed her writing on politics, science, and history. She is currently owned by 15 cats and 3 dogs and regularly owns Trump supporters when she has the opportunity. She can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/GaiaLibra and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/politicalsaurus


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